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Why our economic system is designed to keep most people broke by robbing us legally

Call: (713) 526-5738 – Facebook LIVE – Live stream: KPFT (Entire USA) Radio Show Date:  February 26, 2019

Our economic system is designed to rob the masses of all of their income thus preventing the growth of our wealth. We are doomed if we do not fix it.

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We continue to talk around the edges on most issues. That is the reason why every year the personal economy of Americans in the aggregate gets worse. The Plutocracy uses techniques to give us the impression of cyclical wellbeing. You know, the boom and bust cycles where we accept crap with the expectation of a boom of all booms.

Folks, the average American simply gets progressively less economically fulfilling booms. It has been a steady decline. Today I use a health care issue to bring the point home because it affects us all.

Even as we are in fund drive mode at KPFT, I am giving a full show. I ask that you call in and give a pledge to support Politics Done Right at now. Please be sure to select Politics Done Right from the drop down box.

Before I get to the program, I want to remind all our listeners that KPFT is a bastion of intelligent voices and programs. As a political activist, my favorites are

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What are your thoughts? Let ’s talk. Tag your tweets with hashtag #PoliticsDoneRight. Follow me on Twitter @EgbertoWillies. We broadcast live on Facebook Live here.

Folks do remember this is a call-in show. Call me at (713) 526-5738.

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