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This woman proves that mental slavery is worse than enslavement by chains

Call: (646) 716-5812 – Facebook Live: PDRLive Live stream: BlogTalkRadio Radio Show Date: December  3rd, 2018

I listened to a radio show last night that bothered me all night because what I heard on it was a catalyst to so much that is wrong with our society, the enslavement of the mind.

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The fight is toughest when the enslaved are willfully unaware. Dr. Alauna, Trauma Psychiatrist was a bit too encouraging in her “tacit” support for giving women the green light to the subliminal directive from men to submit IMHO. I left a piece out of the video where one of the male “masters” said I was completely wrong in my assessment and invited me to attend one of their “submission sessions.” I may just take him up on that. It so much easier to free those enslaved by chains than those suffering from the enslavement of the mind.

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