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Benign Slavery? That is the false choice the Plutocracy gives to the worker

Benign Slavery That is the false choice the Plutocracy gives to the worker

Call: (646) 716-5812 – Facebook Live: PDRLive Live stream: BlogTalkRadio Radio Show Date: December  5th, 2018

People don’t yet get it. They do not need to acquiesce to benign slavery. The reality is they are in control and working together we can extinguish the Plutocracy.

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Yesterday caller made it clear that we have a lot of work to do. Our job as activists is threefold.  The first is short-term and involves forcing as much change we can in the short term by all legitimate means necessary. The second is midterm which involves infiltrating political parties to get more people power and less plutocracy power. The most important and long-term is to change people’s mind from the indoctrination to benign slavery.

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