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Special Guest: Victor Tiffany, creator of the Bernie or Bust movement, Hero or …?

Call: (713) 526-5738 – Facebook LIVE – Live stream: KPFT (Entire USA) Radio Show Date: July 5th, 2018

Today we spend some time with Victor Tiffany, the creator of the Bernie or Bust movement, about his new book and I will query him about regrets if any.

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To be clear, while I was a Bernie Sanders National Delegate, I was never a Bernie or Bust guy. I couldn’t be. Yes, I am a Left Wing Progressive but I am also a pragmatist who will do what is necessary to ensure the poor and the middle-class gets the best deal possible from our society.

Today our guest is Victor Tifanny, one of the founders of the Bernie or Bust movement. He called into Politics Done Right before the 2016 election where he attempted to defend the practicality of the movement. Today he discusses his new book “Bernie or Bust, Pioneers of Electoral Revolt.” It is important that we allow all points of views to be aired. In fact, attempting to silence voices was instrumental in the outcome of the 2016 election and many other elections.

BTW, KPFT 90.1 FM Houston is in our Summer Sizzle Fun Fund Drive. Please support Progressive Community Radio by supporting Politics Done Right with Egberto Willies on KPFT here.

Before I get to the program, I want to remind all our listeners that KPFT is a bastion of intelligent voices and programs. As a political activist, my favorites are

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What are your thoughts? Let ’s talk. Tag your tweets with hashtag #PoliticsDoneRight. Follow me on Twitter @EgbertoWillies. We broadcast live on Facebook Live here.

Folks do remember this is a call-in show. Call me at (713) 526-5738.

But let’s get to the Blog of the Week.

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