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While economy great unhappy Americans could temper House takeover

Call: (646) 716-5812 – Facebook Live: PDRLive Live stream: BlogTalkRadio Radio Show Date: June 18th, 2018

PROGRESSIVES: We don’t need to get negative but proactive. The turnout issue is fixable if we start telling ALL voters why we will make their lives better.

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Trump and the mainstream media that purportedly does not like him continue to tout a great economy that is but a facade. That said, any great economy can be numerically tremendous but distributionally horrendous. That is the state of the American economy and Americans know it. When solutions are unknown, irrational blaming and prejudice can take hold.

Republicans are ready to play all those cards. The American immigration fiasco is just one example. Republicans are betting that white fear and societal hate will unleash their innermost demons. The question is, will Americans give them the rope to corral citizens or to hang these evil politicians.

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