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Is the Democratic Party Establishment really stupid or anti-Progressive?

Call: (646) 716-5812 – Facebook Live: PDRLive Live stream: BlogTalkRadio Radio Show Date: June 11th, 2018

Racking one’s brain about the actions by the Democratic Party Establishment make one wonder if they fear Progressives more than Right Wing Fascist.

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Last week I wrote the provocative article “I don’t speak this way, but I must now! Why is my Democratic Party so stupid?”  that will be today’s blog of the week. It created a stir with many. I think too many miss the point I was trying to make and in that, I must take the blame. I told a commenter that today’s program would cover the subject in more detail and that I hoped folks would call in and say their piece. So for all of those who do not agree with the article or the sentiment, you will have a platform to voice your prose.

From the Newsfeed If this is not a severe form of voter suppression then what is. The Supreme Court is codifying a state’s right to discriminate against its citizens on just about any arbitrary reason. Worse the wording from Judge Alito should scare potential voters. According to NBC News, “In a 5-4 ruling, the U.S. Supreme Court gave Ohio a victory Monday in a fight over the state’s method for removing people from the voter rolls, a practice that civil rights groups said discourages minority turnout. At least a dozen other politically conservative states said they would adopt a similar practice if Ohio prevailed, as a way of keeping their voter registration lists accurate and up to date. … Justice Samuel Alito, who wrote the majority opinion, said the court’s job was not “to decide whether Ohio’s supplemental process is the ideal method for keeping its voting rolls up to date. The only question before us is whether it violates federal law. It does not.” Alito’s words should be concerning. In effect, it gives states the ability to purge voters for any arbitrary reason that they can squeak around the Supreme Court weakened Voters Registration Act. The Right is slowing eroding our democracy as they attempt to codify minority rule. A robust registration of voters can mitigate this anti-democratic act. We cannot allow them to use the Supreme Court to stifle Democracy. The people still rule.


Blog of the Week

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