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The Democratic Party better heed Ralph Nader’s red alert

Call: (646) 716-5812 – Facebook Live: PDRLive Live stream: BlogTalkRadio Radio Show Date: May11th, 2018

Ralph Nader hit the nail on the head if you can’t beat an evil and corrupt party you have a serious problem.

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I will continue to hammer this message hoping that sensible Democratic leaders start listening. One of the problems is many of the older Democratic Establishment leaders are stuck in their ways as the country moves on. They better heed Ralph Nader’s Red Alert. Folks, this thing is slipping away.

From the Newsfeed Right Wing white militias, white nationalists, read white supremacists, sprung up throughout the country since Obama and further at the instigation of Donald Trump. For all practical purposes, they are left alone. But this is how we handle activist black men with guns. This FBI assault on this innocent man is merely shameful and needs maximum exposure.

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