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GOP laying groundwork to blame Democrats for Obamacare Failure

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Radio Show Date: March 20th, 2018

It was just a matter of time before Obamacare became an issue again

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I hate to say that I told you so, but I did. Republicans are already setting the stage for October release of the new Obamacare rates that will likely be astronomical. Democrats and many Progressives are concentrating on many other subjects that do not have as much urgency. We better stop it and get with the program now.

I wrote about this in my article titled “Democrats, prepare for outside forces that could stymie impending Blue Wave” saying,

Democrats must be on the offensive and must be in preemption mode. The same must occur on the Affordable Care Act. Just before the 2018 election, Americans will receive another health insurance premium shock. Democrats must cauterize within the minds of Americans the reality that terrorist attacks and health insurance spikes will likely occur in the forthcoming months because of Republican actions. They must repeat it over and over ad nauseam, It is essential that they are not caught flat-footed, having to fight from a defensive position. They must preempt and stay on the offense. That is how Democrats ensure the Blue Wave does not turn into a ripple.

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