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Progressive win in Wisconsin shows the way but Trump counts on terrorism

Progressive If Progressives are to win learn from this Wisconsin win

Call: (646) 716-5812 – Facebook Live: PDRLive Live stream: BlogTalkRadio
Radio Show Date: January 17th, 2018

If Progressives ignore false center, nothing Trump does can stop the wave

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This morning I woke up to a distressing Washington Post article in my newsfeed. Ironically, it wasn’t the real gist of the article that concerned me. It was a very short paragraph likely ignored by most. It had to do with Trump and terrorism. But I was pleasantly surprised by a win for a politician who ran on a progressive issue and won in a Trump district, a 26 point turn around. This wasn’t a “we came close to a win” like Ossoff in Georgia. This was a victory on the values we stand for now and campaigned on unabashedly.

Today I will have two blogs of the week. The first blog of the week will cover Trump and terrorism. The second blog of the week will cover the Wisconsin win.

What are your thoughts? Let’s  talk. Tag your tweets with hashtag #PoliticsDoneRight. Follow me on Twitter @EgbertoWillies.

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