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Our police is our alter ego and it ain’t pretty

Call: (713) 526-5738 – Live stream: KPFT (Entire USA) Radio Show Date: July  6th, 2016

Police life and death power must be checked

You can also find previous episodes on YouTube here.

How many more times will Politics Done Right have a show like this? We will have a show like this until it is no longer needed. Philando Castile is the latest casualty of our police one day after Alton Sterling was gunned down by yet another unhinged cop. Folks, these cops are our alter egos. After all, our police is a reflection of us all. They are our alter ego with the power to kill, with the power to maim, with the power to control.

Today we will talk about Philando Castile and Alton Sterling’s murder-by-cop and its implications. What can we do? What must we do?

As I perused Facebook last night I saw a video of one of Houston’s political figures addressing a group of young people protesting police brutality. I watched her give sound advice to these young folks just like she did with those of us at Occupy Wall Street in Tranquility Park back in 2011 when the police started to move in. Our special guest today is Former City Council Woman, Former University of Houston Track Star, Former Survivor participant, Current TV Star of the reality show Sisters in Law,  Current Houston Independent School Board Member, and attorney Jolanda Jones.

I have to thank two online donors to Politics Done Rights.

Before I get to the program, I want to remind all our listeners that KPFT is a bastion of intelligent voices and programs. As a political activist, my favorites are

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This is KPFT 90.1 FM in Houston Texas. We want to hear your voice. We want to hear your thoughts. Let’s  talk. I will also be following our hashtag #PoliticsDoneRight on Twitter @EgbertoWillies. You can listen to the live stream, or listen to the podcast/vlogcast (links at beginning of post). Folks do remember this is a call in show. Call me at (713) 526-5738.

But let’s get to the Blog of the Week.

Blog of the week

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