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Show Date: May 21stth, 2015 – 3:00 PM Central
Luis Lang’s live interview on Politics Done Right
Last week during our fund drive I read the Blog of the Week which spoke about a man who supposedly blamed President Obama when he was unable to signup for Obamacare. He attempted to signup after the deadline.
His story went viral in the blogosphere and in some newspapers. Mr. Lang told me that the media did not get the story completely straight. I invited him to Politics Done Right for two reasons. The first is to encourage those who have not signed up to do so at the next available enrollment period. Secondly to give Mr. Lang a platform to to explain why he left the Republican Party.
What do you think. Let’s talk about it.
Let’s get busy. Give me a call at (713) 526-5738. That is 713-526-KPFT. Remember you can also send me a tweet to @egbertowillies. Let us engage. It is politics done right.
Luis Lang wants to rip up his Republican registration on TV
You can also find previous episodes on YouTube here.
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My Blog Posts Of The Week
- A talk with Luis Lang, reformed anti-Obamacare man (VIDEO)
- Did CNN Wolf Blitzer sneer at Bernie Sanders’ plan to restore middle-class? (VIDEO)
- Luis Lang, the anti-Obamacare Republican wants to renounce his Party on TV
- Sen. Mitch McConnell praises President Obama on his military operations (VIDEO)
- Will Democrats really benefit from a less religious population? (VIDEO)
- Distorted media coverage and police response distort American reality
- Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) gives President high marks on TPP. Why are Progressive activists worried? (VIDEO)
- Panelist delivers a striking excoriation of Conservative support of the death penalty (VIDEO)
- The TPP will pass unless progressives make compelling case that touches lives of Americans (VIDEO)
- Rand Paul comes out swinging on GOP Middle East failures in Chuck Todd interview (VIDEO)
- Guest on Bill Maher admits democracy does not matter in America (VIDEO)
- Louis C.K. on SNL after child molester joke: It is my last show probably (VIDEO)
- Bill Maher explains why the British accent is dangerous (VIDEO)
- Jon Stewart skewers journalist Mark Halperin for ‘racist’ Ted Cruz interview (VIDEO)
- What game is Obama playing with the TPP? A bargain? A ruse? (VIDEO)
- B.B. King: King of the Blues dead at 89
- Social Security must be expanded not cut. The money is there. (VIDEO)
- Jon Stewart takes down Fox News on denial they stereotype the poor (VIDEO)
My Other Posts At
Coffee Party Radio Shows
- Sundays 8:30 AM ET – I take Liberty with my Coffee w/ Bobby Rodrigo (Subscribe iTunes)
- Thursdays 3:00 PM ET – Lunch with Louden w/ J’nene Louden (Subscribe iTunes)
- Saturdays 1:00 PM ET – Politics Done Right w/ Egberto Willies (Subscribe iTunes)