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Show Date: March 9th, 2015 – 9:00 PM Central
Yet another black man was killed by a police officer in America. This time in Madison Wisconsin. There is little we know about the incident. Why is it with some it is all about shooting first, escalating first.
For the first time in American history a President’s foreign policy was publicly and disrespectfully undermined.
The University of Oklahoma fraternity Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity were caught chanting on a bus that they would rather lynch blacks than sign them as members. But it is all in the heads of those black folks.
Today we will have former Green Party Presidential candidate and Move To Amend spokesperson and leadership team member David Cobb and hip hop artist, cultural organizer and political theorist Congress Shamako Noble on the show. They will be discussing Hip Hop Congress‘ and Move to Amend‘s visit to Houston to conduct educational panels covering corporate rule and much more.
What do you think. Let’s talk about it.
Let’s get busy. Give me a call at (713) 526-5738. That is 713-526-KPFT. Remember you can also send me a tweet to @egbertowillies. Let us engage. It is politics done right.
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My Blog Posts Of The Week
- CAUGHT ON VIDEO: University of Oklahoma Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity chanting ‘Never be a n****r’ (VIDEO)
- Will you see the world through my black eyes for one day? (VIDEO)
- Sen Dianne Feinstein – ‘What Prime Minister Netanyahu did here was something that no ally of the US would have done’ (VIDEO)
- Chuck Todd comes clean on Obamacare and exposes failed Republican governance (VIDEO)
- They only call it Class Warfare when we fight back
- Bill Maher slams Fox News & ‘Liberal Media’ for going soft on Bill O’Reilly lies (VIDEO)
- T-Dubb-O – The type of activist we need from the Urban to the Appalachian (VIDEO)
- The Daily Show slams ban on doctors asking about guns (VIDEO)
- Ben Carson accurately defined after statement on gays: ‘Gifted hands has a deranged mind’ (VIDEO)
- Jon Stewart ridicules pandering to Israel’s always wrong warmongering Prime Minister (VIDEO)
- Emily’s List President Stephanie Schriock eviscerates GOP politicians as she honors Hillary Clinton (VIDEO)
- This is why Democrats will lose 2016 if they do not move left. Period.
- Reagan adviser on Tea Party Republicans – ‘They are really rather stupid and not very well read’ (VIDEO)
- Texas Republican politicians continue their healthcare policies that kill Texans
- Her Name is Rose – A story worth reading
- Stop rewarding Obamacare political malpractice by ensuring this truth is widely disseminated
- Caught on Video: LA Police kills homeless man shooting as he’s on the ground (VIDEO)
- The winter storm was not enough to stop the Texas Kos Meet-up
- Anti-Obamacare uninsured ex-sheriff now begging for handout for medical bills
- Fox News using anti-Obamacare tactics on open Internet via Net Neutrality (VIDEO)
- Republicans walk out during Jeb Bush CPAC appearance (VIDEO)
- Otis Redding reincarnated and his name is Paul Janeway (VIDEO)
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