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We must have open dialogue on difficult issues

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Radio Show Date: February 14th, 2015

This week I stepped into it big time. I made the following post on the Coffee Party USA Facebook page.

The reaction was mostly negative towards the post. I received threats by message and emails. What did I do wrong? I had the gall to call out Bill Maher using a nuanced and to some extent condescending tone to point out why his rigid stance on Muslims was neither correct or helpful. Since the person that killed the three students claimed he was an atheist I was trying to see if empathy would reign base on how some would attempt to vilify all atheists for the act.

The reaction was to make no attempt to understand that I was on the side of most that were slamming me with the expectation that there would be some introspection. Anyway, this is what we will discuss on Politics Done Right today.

What are your thoughts? Let’s  talk. I will also be following our hash-tag #PoliticsDoneRight on Twitter. Give me a call.

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