Dems & GOP panelists agree that the GOP has no plan for America. Tapper does a great job of exposing Matt Gaetz. Michael Steele did not mince his words about GOP plans.
KPFT Shows
Fmr. RNC Chair speaks on debate. Cassidy Hutchinson on de-culting. Biden on the attack.
Fmr. RNC Chair Michael Steele calls the last GOP debate a crap show. Cassidy Hutchinson discusses getting out of the Trump cult. Biden finally goes on the offensive on Trump and MAGA.
Neil Aquino on Whitmire. Congress letting childcare expire. Strikes and Evil GOP Congress.
Neil Aquino discusses John Whitmire’s dismissal of civil rights concerns teaming with authoritarians. Congress is allowing childcare expiration. GOP pushes astronomical cuts. More workers strike.
Biden joined the UAW strike. Cassidy Hutchinson dings Matt Gaetz. The American nightmare.
Joe Biden fulfilled his promise to walk the UAW picket line. Cassidy Hutchinson exposed a degenerate Mat Gaetz. The American nightmare is visible from the inside and the outside.
A warning from two Conservatives. A Republican defends Biden’s AG Merrick Garland & more.
Conservatives Miles Taylor and Amanda Carpenter did not mince their words as they warned about the distinct possibility of Trump v2.0. Republican Congressman Ken Buck came out in defense of Garland.
Sara Nelson on union power. Pete Buttigieg on government shutdown, Horrifying GOP budget.
Association of Flight Attendants’ president Sara Nelson came out swinging for the American worker. Pete Buttigieg blames the GOP for any government shutdown. The Republican budget is horrifying.
Norman Solomon visits on war. Swalwell had Jordan on the run. GOP can’t govern. Bowman on poverty.
Norman Solomon visits to discuss our never-ending state of war. Jamaal Bowman appropriately blames the GOP, Kyrsten Sinema, and Joe Manchin for child poverty. The GOP dysfunction continues.
Analysis of Harris County DA Kim Ogg & others. Embarrassing Garland judiciary hearing.
Activist Neil Aquino discusses Houston politicians like Kim Ogg and their palling around with the GOP. Democrats made GOP pay in their embarrassing Garland judiciary hearing.
Bernie Sanders gets AI. House GOP unveils mega cuts. Indivisible Houston’s Cohen visits.
Indivisible Houston’s President Daniel Cohen visits. House GOP’s inhumane budget cuts show what they value. Bernie Sanders gets it right on AI, and we must start now.
Steve Schmidt excoriates GOP. Child poverty is a choice. Bumbling Trump. War is good?
Steve Schmidt gives his worst yet excoriation of Mitch McConnell and the GOP. Mehdi Hasan highlights child poverty as a policy choice. Trump exposes his mental lapses. Exec thinks war is good.