Mark Bebawi, the host of the radio show The Monitor, called me up a few hours before the 1st 2016 Presidential Debate. Of course, I said yes.
ROADWomen panel on 1 person 1 vote, Ted Cruz, & Supreme Court (VIDEO)
ROADWomen Panel discussing U.S. Supreme Court upholds “1person, 1vote” Redistricting Guidelines, Ted Cruz, and Supreme Court Nominee Merrick Garland
Michigan grassroots organizers Shea Howell & Nayyirah Shariff discuss Lead poisoning of Flint’s water supply
Michigan grassroots organizers Shea Howell & Nayyirah Shariff discuss Lead poisoning of Flint’s water supply.
The Monitor – Egberto Willies, Steve Horn and John Kiriakou talk about talk radio, Hillary’s state department emails, and Torture (VIDEO)
Mark Bebawi talks about talk radio, Hillary’s state department emails, and Torture with Egberto Willies, Steve Horn and John Kiriakou.
Thom Hartmann talks corporate personhood, money in politcs
Thom Hartmann was interviewed on Move to Amend Reports. He covered his new book and much more. He supports the Move to Amend mission.
Ferguson Youth Activist Rasheen Aldridge interviewed by Move To Amend Reports
Move to Amend Reports talk with youth activist and community organizer Rasheen Aldridge about the ongoing struggle in Ferguson Missouri.
State Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal interviewed by Move To Amend Reports on Ferguson protests
This week we talk with Missouri State Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal to talk with us about the ongoing demonstrations in Ferguson, MO.
Election Analysis with Egberto Willies: Where Do We Go from Here?
2014 Midterm election analysis on the Tim Danahey Show. He interviews political activist/blogger Egberto Willies. The interview provided solid insight.
The Julianna Forlano Show Episode 101 w/ Egberto Willies & Adam Weisman
I appeared on The Julianna Forlano Show on October 4th to discuss the 2014 elections. It was fun as usual with Julianna’s probing questions.
Occupy Radio interviews Egberto Willies on Class Warfare and occupying the media
Rivera Sun and David Geitgey Sierralupe of Occupy Radio called me up a few weeks ago to for an interview. They wanted a discussion my book.