Randy Fricke visits to discuss the state of the country, the independent voter, and his new book, America’s New Revolution.
Jon Myles’ young family’s bout with cancer & subsequent expenses scream the need for Medicare For All
Jon Myles, a member of the “Can’t Tell Us Nothing” improv group had a poignant healthcare cancer story to tell that could touch us all.
Stephanie J Miller discusses zero waste living the 80/20 way
Stephanie J. Miller founded Zero Waste in DC to focus on applying zero waste strategies that have a real and sustainable impact.
Can’t Tell Us Nothing, a conversation with a Houston Improv Comedy Troupe.
Houston Improve Comedy Group Can’t Tell Us Nothing visited PDR for more than comic relief but to tell important human stories.
Oxfam’s Vice President Paul O’Brien discusses solving inequality.
Oxfam’s Vice President Paul O’Brien visits us to discuss inequality and promote his book Power Switch: How We Can Reverse Extreme Inequality.
Tim Ward discusses a plan to put the truth into politics
Tim Ward, author/journalist and a board member of ProTruthPledge.org, discusses putting the truth back into our politics.
Ian Gurvitz, author of Death to America!: How We The People Screwed Ourselves
Writer/Director and author of “Death to America!: How We The People Screwed Ourselves” discusses Donald Trump and Election 2020.
Dennis Kosuth, RN at Chicago’s Provident Hospital, discusses the COVID-19 disaster.
If you do not understand the seriousness of the COVID-19 pandemic, Dennis Kosuth, a Chicago RN, makes it abundantly clear.
Michael Nigro talks about his COVID-19 long hauler state and irresponsible deniers.
Film director & journalist Michael Nigro, a long hauler talks about COVID-19 deniers and how do we move them to the real world.
Tyler Bluntman, a conversation with a Black Right-Wing Social Media Personality
Tyler Bluntman, a Black Right-Wing Conservative discusses Conservative ideology vs Progressive ideology on PDR.