She is an American civilian who survived the false-pretensed U.S. invasion of Granada during her childhood. Fatimah Gilliam returned to America, became a lawyer/consultant/entrepreneur, and author of Race Rules: What Your Black Friend Won’t Tell You.
William Bronston Universal Healthcare Activist Author of Public Hostage Public Ransom.
Dr. William Bronston founded the Student Health Organization in 1964, a nationwide graduate health science student movement dedicated to promoting universal health care as a human right, overcoming racism, sexism, war, poverty, and physician elitism in the health system as the greatest challenges facing society.
Charlotte Dennett, a spy’s daughter, connects dots. Is oil a component in Ukraine & Israel wars.
Charlotte Dennett says it is necessary to follow the money. She points out it is still about oil and more, even in the Israel/Hamas war.
Tiffany Rachal, Houston mother of Jalen Randall, who’s killed by police at Ogg admonishment rally
Tiffany Rachal will not rest until a competent, humane Harris County District Attorney is elected to hold the police accountable for their actions as opposed to the current one, Kim Ogg, who is derelict in her duty.
Sean Teare, Former Harris County Prosecutor & DA Candidate attends the Kim Ogg admonishment rally.
Former Harris County Prosecutor Sean Teare appeared at the Press Conference, where many detailed why they want to admonish Harris County DA Kim Ogg.
Lauren Byrne, Fmr. Senior Prosecutor for Harris County on why she resigned working with DA Kim Ogg
Former Harris County Prosecutor Lauren Byrne did not mince her words in criticizing DA Kin Ogg and why one should not vote for her.
Indivisible Houston President Daniel J. Cohen enumerates Harris County DA Kim Ogg’s corruption.
Indivisible Houston President Daniel J. Cohen continues his duty to ensure that politicians live up to their duty to the electorate. He is informing them of the misdeeds of Harris County DA Kim Ogg.
Thomas Czarnik, author & activist, talks about humanity, values, writing, his books, and much more.
In an all-encompassing interview, author/activist/humanitarian Thomas Czarnik discussed his books, limericks, and plays. He provided motivational advice and positive affirmation about life.
Melissa McDonough, Democratic Texas Congressional District 38 Candidate, on why she must win.
Melissa McDonough, Democratic Texas Congressional District 38 Candidate, was not shy about what she intends to bring to her new district: the people’s voice.
Cameron Campbell, Democratic Precinct Chair, on why he signed the petition to admonish DA Kim Ogg.
Precinct 991 Precinct Chair Cameron Campbel is one of 60+ precinct chairs who signed a document to admonish Harris County DA Kim Ogg.