Ryan Grim visited with Politics Done Right to discuss his striking interview with Senator Ted Cruz and his new book “The Squad: AOC and the Hope of a Political Revolution.”
Tiffany Rachal details the lack of resolve DA Kim Ogg showed to indict the cop who killed her son.
Tiffany Rachal gave an impassioned description of what occurred with her interaction with Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg and others in the office where they failed to prosecute the cop who killed her son.
Indivisible Houston President Daniel Cohen discusses Democrats’ concerns about DA Kim Ogg.
Houston’s president, Daniel Cohen, visits to discuss DA Kim Ogg’s possible admonishment and the Democrats’ many concerns with her failed leadership of the Harris County District Attorney’s office.
PDR Host interview on WBAI on AIPAC, Squad, & more. The private sector kills public healthcare.
PDR host visited with Advocating Justice Arthur Schwartz on WBAI New York to discuss AIPAC’s attack on our American democracy. Public healthcare’s enemies are corrupt politicians coerced by the private healthcare industry complex.
Ryan Grim on the Squad, & AIPAC. The proof that corporate profiteering caused inflation.
Ryan Grim embarrassed Ted Cruz. He visited with PDR to discuss Cruz, The Squad, AIPAC, and more. Here is the proof that obscene corporate profits caused inflation.
Amazon Prime’s Tyler Perry doc deserves scrutiny. Journalist Ryan Grim talks Ted Cruz & Squad
Amazon Prime’s Maxine’s Baby, a feel-good piece about Tyle Perry, deserves much more scrutiny. Journalist Ryan Grim discusses the Squad, AOC, AIPAC, and his intellectual annihilation of Ted Cruz.
Neil Aquino on runoff. Trump to be dictator. Ryan Grim dings Ted Cruz. GOP sellout taxpayers.
Neil Aquino visited to discuss the runoff elections. Ryan Grim recently embarrassed Ted Cruz, who seemed uninformed. Donald Trump admits he wants to be a dictator. GOP is selling out the taxpayers.
Trump said he’ll be dictator on day 1. Ryan Grim tags Ted Cruz. GOP: Taxpayer to cleanup oil.
Donald Trump is not hiding it. He said he would be a dictator on day 1. Ryan Grim embarrassed Ted Cruz on Israel, but it didn’t matter to him. GOP wants the taxpayer to clean up the oil company’s pollution.
Why Evangelicals support Trump. How Dems lose. Tyler Perry’s proves a capitalist is …
The author explains why Evangelicals support Trump at all costs. This is why Dems lose. Tyler Perry is yet another business person building wealth on the backs of others; capitalism instantiated again
Why Evangelicals Support Trump. Jayapal schools Bash. How Dems lose. Bernie says no to Israel.
The author explains why Evangelicals support Trump at all costs. Bernie says no to $Billion support for Israel’s Right Wing Government. Pramila Jayapal sets the record straight with Dana Bash. This is why Dems lose.