Project 2025 is a clear and present danger to our democracy. Ali Velshi visits to discuss journalism and much more. The middle class, unfortunately, has been left behind, and some revolt is likely.
Let’s discuss Project 2025, King Trump, and whether Biden remains in the race.
Project 2025 is a clear and present danger for America, and so is the Supreme Court, which has all but exonerated Trump and set the stage for him to be King if he wins 2024. Should Biden stay in the race?
Working-class revolt. Trump lies debunked. Our call to action to save democracy. HPJC Peace Camp.
Is it time for a working-class revolt? We must have a call to action to save our democracy. Trump’s debate lies are debunked. Angel Jimenez discusses HPJC’s upcoming Peace Camp.
My July 4th call to action. Citizen Journalism. Veteran’s debt relief. Are Latinos moving to Trump?
My July 4th call to action. Independent journalist Sam Oser (@samthemullet) discusses her workshop on training citizen journalists. Jerry Ashton (@WrittenOffUSA) discusses his project to end veteran’s debt. Latinos to Trump?
A push for citizen journalism. HPJC’s Peace Camp starts soon. Helping vets get out of debt.
Independent journalist Sam Oser (@samthemullet) discusses her workshop to train citizen journalists. Jerry Ashton (@WrittenOffUSA) discusses his project to end veteran’s debt. Angel Jimenez discusses HPJC’s upcoming Peace Camp.
My MAGA callers gave a great opportunity today after I defined Donald Trump for who he is.
I defined Donald Trump as the deviant and defective person he is. It enraged my MAGA callers, but they were unable to rebuff anything I said. A progressive caller called and made my day as she saw the method to the madness of our Politics Done Right program.
VP wannabe supports Trump’s lies. 16 Nobel Prize-winning economist says Trump will reignite inflation.
The VP wannabe, Trump Sycophant Doug Burgum, must support Trump’s lies to qualify. A 16-time Nobel Prize-winning economist clarifies that Trump’s policies will reignite inflation. Trump is ready to ascend to the throne.
Right-wing Supreme Court is out of control. A Trump presidency will further harm the middle class.
The corporate-controlled Right Wing Supreme Court is out of control, and politicians like Bernie Sanders want to do something about it. A Trump presidency is a clear and present danger for the middle class.
Trump debate lies debunked. VP wannabe Doug Burgum exposed. Supreme Court made Trump a king.
A six-minute segment did what Biden failed to do in 90 minutes of the debate. The VP wannabe, Trump Sycophant Burgum, is more of a dictator than Biden and Trump. Supreme Court anointed Trump as king.
Biden: This debunking was due at the debate. Trump VP wannabe Doug Burgum exposed on Meet The Press.
DEBUNKED: Trump’s lies about his tax cuts, Biden’s economy & employment rate, and migrant crime. MTP’s Kristen Merkel exposes VP wannabe Doug Burgum as an empty vessel as he bends into Trump sycophancy.