There is certain complicity between the press, establishment, and some Democrats based on the reaction to the Castro valid challenge to Biden. #DemDebate Outtakes.
This is what I think about the Democratic Debate in Houston, Texas
The Democratic Debate in Houston Texas is now in the past. It made it clear that Medicare for All is under attack from media & some Democrats.
Politics Done Right Live on Radio Row at Democratic Debate Spin Room
Today we discuss what we believe should be talked about at the Democratic Debate. We don’t need inter-fights but what one is going to do.
Why running Progressives in 2020 ensures a lasting win.
For those who think this election is in the bag, better think again. To win we must show we are not only getting rid of Trump but providing something.
Let’s talk about what we want out of the Democratic Debate in Houston, Texas
The Democratic Debate at Texas Southern University in Houston, Texas should be substantive now that we have the big three all on one stage. Here is what I want to hear.
Let’s dispel the Medicare for All LIES. The Plutocracy is grasping!
The Plutocracy is in full attack mode on Medicare for All. Unfortunately, they have enlisted slaves from both parties to do their dirty work. We will remember them.
Impeachment, Death Penalty, Green New Deal, Community Building, NN19 Interviews.
Here’re our Netroots Nation 2019 Interviews. We met politicians and activists making a difference: Impeachment, Death Penalty, Community Building, Green New Deal.
Venezuelan expatriates discuss their country Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro
Today Politics Done Right speaks to Venezuelan expatriates John Garcia & a friend about Hugo Chavez, Nicolas Maduro, and issues in their country?
Incompetent GOP lets Walmart lead. Is an unelectable Trump a danger to Progressives?
Today we discuss an incompetent GOP which is by design. Will an unelectable Donald Trump present a new danger from the Plutocracy for Progressives?
Mainstream media not only derelict but complicit in the decline of the average American.
Today’s editorial in a major newspaper in the United States, the Houston Chronicle illustrates a level of Mainstream Media dereliction & complicity. Be aware of it.