Alex Murdaugh’s sentencing judge called out prosecutors. Sen. Elizabeth Warren exposes Medigap scam. We can only solve our political and economic problems by unchaining our minds.
Medigap Scam. Barbados PM stuns reporter with her answer to corruption in the ‘third world.’
Sen. Elizabeth Warren is exposing insurance companies as they bribe seniors into more expensive Medigap plans. Barbados PM Mia Mottley schooled a misled journalist on ‘third-world’ corruption.
A poem for these times. Biden warns seniors of the danger from Republicans. Joe ridicules GOP.
Thomas Czarnik’s most prescient poem defines our current political state. President Biden warns seniors that Republicans will cut government on their backs. Morning Joe ridicules Republicans for blaming Pete Buttigieg instead of Norfolk Southern and corporations.
The New Gilded Age. Pete Buttigieg calls out GOP on East Palestine. Student Loan SCOTUS fraud
Torry Mercer’s poem on the New Gilded Age is on point. Pete Buttigieg did not disappoint as he called out the hypocritical GOP. The autocratic Supreme Court is sabotaging people with student loans.
Our enslaved minds. SCOTUS to likely screw students. It is easy to save & expand Social Security.
Our enslaved minds are responsible for our current state. The Supreme Court intends to be a 6-person autocracy as it is doing with student loan debt relief. Saving Social Security is not difficult.
Fox News needs a name change. Olivia Benson on absent dads. Tory Mercer on the new gilded age.
Fox News has been exposed for who they are in court. Tory Mercer wrote this poem about the new gilded age. Olivia Benson talks about absent dads in her poignant new book For the Love of my Father.
Olivia S. Benson – For the Love of my Father: A healing guide for women growing up without a dad
The new book, “For the Love of my Father,” by Olivia S. Benson, Esq. on women healing from the absence of fathers in their lives to help them move forward and lead successful lives.
Shameful: 65-year-old on healthcare. Buttigieg dings Trump. Dummification of the GOP.
The dummification of the GOP is real. Why this woman rejoiced at 65? American healthcare is a shameful mess. Buttigieg did it.
Two weekend stories touched me. A real healthcare story and a real racial story
I was a part of a living book event this weekend. A woman in a biracial relationship needed advice for her kids. And a woman with a healthcare story afflicting too many in silence.
Founder/Publisher of Tre Magazine, Stephanie Coleman, discusses perseverance and community.
Stephanie Coleman, founder, and publisher of Tre Magazine, tells us her story and gives us positive affirmations about the art of perseverance and more.