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David Campt & Karin Tamerius on how to speak to the other side

David Campt & Karin Tamerius on how to speak to the other side

Join David Campt and Karin Tamerius as they share insights on fostering compassionate, effective dialogues across political divides, particularly on race, to create a more unified and understanding society.

David Campt & Karin Tamerius: Speaking to the other side

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Fostering meaningful dialogue between people with opposing views has become more challenging but also more necessary than ever. At Netroots Nation 2024, political communication experts David Campt and Karin Tamerius shared their insights on bridging the gap, especially when discussing contentious issues like race and identity. Campt, founder of The Dialogue Company, and Tamerius, founder of Smart Politics, focus on teaching progressives how to engage in more productive conversations, particularly with conservatives. They emphasize that while emotional reactions like outrage may feel satisfying in the moment, they often deepen divisions rather than promote understanding. Instead, they advocate for compassion-based strategies that lead to more impactful and lasting change.

Key Points:


David Campt and Karin Tamerius offer a blueprint for productive political conversations in an era of deep division. Their focus on compassion, empathy, and understanding provides a valuable alternative to the often destructive forces of outrage and indignation. By adopting strategies like relational deep canvassing and trauma-informed communication, progressives can better navigate contentious discussions on race, identity, and other polarizing topics. This approach promotes healthier political discourse and fosters the kind of meaningful change that can shift hearts and minds, one conversation at a time.

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