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Political Limericks and Poetry by Thomas Czarnik

There once was a VP named Pence
His demeanor described as quite tense
His life was most grim
Wouldn’t want to be him
With my butt perched in pain on a fence.

There once was a VP named Pence
Had to put up with lots of nonsense
From behind Donald Trump
He kissed an orange rump
Was nearly hanged for a Cap’tol Offence.

There was a President named Trump
Who needed to take a big dump
He’d sit on his shitter
He’d tweet and he’d twitter
His best work came out of his rump.

There are many who follow a guy named Q
Think whatever he says is quite true
They believe every word
Though it might be absurd
A better response to B.S. is “P.U.”!

A GOP Rep named Matt Gaetz
Has a forehead as high as two milk crates
His excuses are bafflin’
For drugs and sex traffickin’:
“I’m white, rich and have lots of hot dates.”

Two cronies named Manchin and Sinema
Of Arizona and West Vir-gin-eeah
With heads up their ass
No laws can get passed
It seems like they both need an enema.

There once was a Russian named Putin
Instead of talk he preferred to be shootin’
Started a war in Ukraine
Proof he’s much more insane
Than that lunatic known as Rasputin.

A senator by name of Hawley
Gives speeches all bluster and folly
Of BS he’s full
In Congress pit bull
But from danger runs off like a collie.

A doctor whose first name is Rand
Thinks his personal prescriptions quite grand
But if you need a house call
Don’t call this quack Paul
‘Cause snake oil in a bottle’s his brand.

There was a candidate named OZ
Who’d say anything just for applause
Hoped for a bump
From his best bud Trump
The man behind curtain
Says a Senate seat certain
If you believe both in me and in Santa Claus.

There once was a senator named Cruz
Who seems always to be in the news
He sits on a fence
Between sense and nonsense
Texas Ted must have several loose screws.

There is a Fox airhead named Sean
Who as sure as night comes before dawn
Lacks even a hint of humanity
“I’m King of the News” thinks Hannity
But to Trump he is simply a pawn.

To 45 William Barr was a star
No one was more loyal by far
But when a judge said he lied
Barr had no place to hide
His hand caught in Trump’s cookie jar.

Those who substitute facts with illusion
Tell lies and sow seeds of confusion
Spread deadly disease and delusion.

Two GOP Reps named Boebert and Greene
Make speeches in Congress intolerant and mean
Bible thumpers so avid
Donald Trumpers so rabid
Guns and violence promoters both sick and obscene.

An inquisitive pundit named Tucker
Must think every Fox fan a sucker
His facial attentive frown
Is an anal retentive crown
On a king who’s a smug mother f**ker.

Trumpsters take truth-tellers to task
Give leaders like Liz Cheney the ax
She calls Trump a traitor
And that’s why they hate her
They prefer the Big Lie to the facts.

We go to the pump for gasoline
Find prices higher than ever seen
While all the nation
Suffers inflation
Oil Oligopoly makes profits obscene.

At Mar-a-Lago were hidden in many a box
Government files and classified docs
Most keep wondering why
Even the DOJ and FBI
But not Trump’s base or the people at Fox.

Her name is Marjorie Taylor Greene
Of Radical Reps she might be the queen
Loves men that are macho
But hates the gazpacho
And a peach tree dish for Bill Gates’ cuisine.

Hundreds of classified docs the ex-Pres took
Some say Trump’s nothing but a common crook
Guilty of sedition or treason?
Maybe Memoirs the real reason
“Art of the Steal” to be a coloring book!

On January 6th we nearly lost our Democracy
To the Forces of Evil and Autocracy
Those who believe the Big Lie
A free and fair election deny
Are guilty of deception and hypocrisy.

A UK queen named Liz
As monarch was quite the Wiz
When she died twas sheer luck
For first son named Chuck
The crown once hers was now His.

A most dangerous man named Pompeo
Wants politicians in schools to say No
To honest teachers just teaching
Rather have them all preaching
With biased brains like Mike’s made of Play-Dough.

In Georgia Warnock wins over Walker
It was the Thinker over the Talker
Running right Herschel stumbled
On the final yard he fumbled
Turns out Trump’s a terrible blocker

George Santos claims he’s Jew-ish
Cause he loves bagels knish and Yiddish
Says he not a fraud, not a liar
Just a GOP Rep with pants on fire
From a red district that once was bluish.

A GOP Rep claims he’s quite Jew-ish
Gets elected in a district once bluish
When the press found his facts all fraud
Santos said they instead should applaud
‘Cause every bit of my bio’s quite true-ish.

Greg Abbott the cruel governor of Texas
Does to Dems what he thinks will wreck us
When poor migrants he sees
To DC sends ’em to freeze
While sitting warm and smug in his Lexus.

A GOP Rep in Congress named Kevin
Being House Speaker to him would be Heaven
Other plans had the Freedom Caucus
They’re riotous, they’re raucous
They don’t give a sh*t
Wish McCarthy would quit
To go manage a 7-11.

So Kevin M finally became Speaker
But as a leader no one could be weaker
Though now Big Cheese of the House
He’s less a man than a Mouse
Who eked out victory in a Squeaker.

Republicans all are very upset
‘Bout Biden Docs found with his Corvette
But they ignore Trump lies constructed
Secret files hidden, justice obstructed
Say he’s still their leader, Best President yet.

A Florida Governor named Ron DeSantis
Around the Truth he prances and dances
Bans books and CRT
Detests Gays and ESG
Attacks liberty like a right-winged praying mantis.

A man with a fake tan from Florida
Thinks he’s perfect without a flaw
A riot he incited
Now twice indicted
Even an ex-Prez is not above the Law.

Justice Thomas on SCOTUS you’ll find him
After billionaire friends have wined and dined him
Though Affirmative Action
Gave his career lots of traction
He opposes it for those on the ladder behind him.

As long as you don’t cuss or raise a fuss
Working for Trump can be quite a plus
But if you cross him
Or try to boss him
He’ll kick you and your butt under the bus.

Biden and Harris are a confident twosome
But campaigning against Trump could be quite gruesome
If JoeBi can’t hack it
And other Dems lack it
Waiting in the wings is Gov’nor Gav Newsome.

Lauren and Marjorie are mouthy and mean
On the floor of the House they made quite a scene
Called each other bitches
When they’re really both witches
From the GOP coven known as Gang Greene.

From its allies Ukraine’s demanding more and more
Bullets now cluster bombs from Biden’s surplus store
But while Zelensky’s shopping
Putin’s missiles keep dropping
When will we sell peace instead of endless war?

Republicans investigating Hunter and Joe Biden
Try to find out what crimes the FBI’s hidin’
Though GOP Reps huff and puff
The Truth for them is never enough
As America into autocracy keeps slidin’

Tommie Tubberville is blocking every military promotion
‘Cause he doesn’t want any female soldier to have an abortion
Forcing women to birth a baby
In the army, marines, or navy
Is a form of right-wing religious extortion.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is quite craven
Grown weaker to right-wing rads he’s a cave-in
Will he ever cross Trump?
Will he ever stop being a chump?
“Nevermore!” so wrote poet Poe quoting the Raven.

RonDe thought winning GOP Prez Prize a cinch
But he said and did things that would make your grandma flinch
In polls and cash he’s failing
His supporters now all bailing
Perhaps they think De Santa’s meaner than the Grinch.

Migrants seeking asylum should be greeted with hugs
Instead at the border they’re treated like bugs
Shoved into razor wire, denied even water
Children drowning, lambs to the slaughter
Gov Abbott and his troopers are nothing but thugs!

Summer of ‘23 and things are getting dire
Temps keep rising, can’t get much higher
Oceans boiling, cities broiling
How many more days
Before we change our ways?
What will it take to shake us awake?
Before each of us catches on fire?

Ron De and friends see many benefits from slavery
Creates useful skills, patience, and bravery
Have they forgotten just how rotten
It is being forced to pick cotton?
Are Ron De and friends guilty of knavery?
(Or are they just horribly unsavory?)

Trump finds it easy to break many laws
Until one day a Special Prosecutor calls
Now he begins to worry
That the verdict of a jury
Could lock him up for life behind prison walls.

A Special Prosecutor named Jack
Gives criminals in court little slack
On a case goes whole hog
To Trump he’s a bulldog
Charging felonies so many it’s hard to keep track.

To Trump nothing trumps his right to free speech
Anything he says from the Law is out of reach
But just make a threat
And for sure you can bet
Justice will nab you no matter what you preach.

Now a Special Counsel is targeting Biden’s son
Hunter didn’t pay his taxes, illegally owned a gun
The GOP hates to legislate
Corporate donors never regulate
But hey! investigating Biden’s family is lots of fun.

In business and politics Trump thinks he’s a sultan
Not so, a grand jury said in Georgia’s County Fulton
Where a judge named Fani
Came down hard on Donny
Turned the Orange Man red, his boiling rage molten.

Trump’s mug shot expression is a sinister scowl
Gives an accurate impression of his mood most foul
Supporters still dote on him
Will continue to vote for him
Till he abandons oppression and throws in the towel.

Daily indictments, contentious debates
Mugshots, bookings, arraignments, trial dates
Trump and his cronies
Corrupt bunch of phonies
What a year to be alive in these DisUnited States!

Musk often acts without rhyme or reason
One wonders what kind of substance he’s on
To the U.S. Elon’s a real pain
Sides with Russia against Ukraine
Just a billionaire’s blunder or is it treason?

GOP Reps keep investigating Hunter Biden
Hopin’ to find dirt that his Papa’s hidin’
Impeachment and shutdown pending
While Rules for Trump trials keep bending
Sure seems Democracy and the Law’s backslidin’

A GOP Congressman named Matt Gaetz
Is known less for what he loves than what he hates
Wants a government shutdown
For all Trump Trials to put down
Seems Donny and Matt are Psychos like Norman Bates

Matt Gaetz went to the John to comb his hair
Kevin McCarthy in a stall was also there
Matt suddenly needed to take a crap
So he knocked on Kevin’s door with a rap
Said Matt to Kev: “Time’s up! Vacate the chair!”

In Congress they call themselves the Freedom Caucus
They’re a group of radical Reps who are mean and raucous
They despise Democracy
And crave Autocracy
While we try to improve America they want to
“fauck” US.

Jim Jordan for Speaker wants to be the one the House chooses
But he didn’t count on so few votes and so many bruises
After Kevin McCarthy’s removal from the ring
JJ struggles on the Floor, his approval’s still pending
When Jordan wrestles with the Truth, the Truth always loses.

Netanyahu Netanyahu, oh say can you see
Revenge warfare is just total insanity
With an eye for an eye
Many innocents will die
Jews Arabs and all of us share a common humanity.

Speaker Mike Johnson: MAGA Reps want and need him
Denying rights to others is their kind of freedom
They believe a person is born at conception
Won’t allow any abortion without exception
Why bring in migrants as workers when we can breed ’em?

Christian Nationalists say Secularism is the culprit
The will of pagan people? They just can’t gulp it
They would tear down the sturdy gate
That separates religion and the State
Make the Capitol a church, the Speaker’s podium a pulpit.

Netanyahu, look above you, do you see the rockets’ red glare?
Hear explosions, raw emotions, bombs bursting everywhere
Gaza son, Gaza daughter
Like Israeli children led to slaughter
Netanyahu, look around you, feel their pain, show you care.

Cheating people to Trump and kin is just great sport
Till one day they all got hauled into a New York court
Their defense being flawed
They’re found guilty of fraud
Presidential re-election may be Trump’s last resort.

Speaker Johnson casts stones so he must be without sin
Has a chastity app on his phone for himself and his kin
He’s holier than thou
Pure as milk from a cow
Unless he’s really a wolf disguised in sheep’s skin.

Democrats want the US to be a democracy
Most Republicans prefer some kind of autocracy:
Plutocracy, kleptocracy or oligarchy
Corporatocracy, theocracy or anarchy
Above all, the GOP in 2024 wants a Trumptocracy.

In a hostage situation what would the police do?
Should they bomb the house and kill every Arab and Jew
Or would they try to minimize the cost
In lives of innocents injured or lost —
Aren’t two million Gazans hostages too?

Trump wants to exterminate Left Wing vermin
Uses the best words of one infamous German
MAGA supporters wear red hats and jack boots
March in goose step, give Seig Heil salutes
Sing lieder to their leader
With AR-15’s and tanks that are Sherman.

An eagle needs two strong wings to soar high
With one wing wounded a bird will in circles fly
So too the American eagle needs political cooperation
Of both right and left wings for successful aviation
Otherwise soon exhausted this proud bird
will plunge to earth and die.

Be thankful today that Joe Biden is still our president
And that Orange MAGA Madman is not the White House resident
Joe may be old and slow
But no other Dems are ready to go
So in 2024 vote for Democracy, don’t be hesitant.

George Santos for years lied without pause
Stole money, broke many campaign laws
From Congress finally fired
But soon was once more hired
At a mall lying to kids as Santos Claus.

“Oath and Honor” is the title of Liz Cheney’s book
About a would-be-dictator, a conman, and a crook
Not a work of fiction
But a grim prediction
About a frightful future we can’t afford to overlook.

Trump says he’ll be a dictator for only one day
So he might be happy to know
Of a land with a very long Sunday or Monday
If he’d only go away to where
243 earth days are just one day there
On the second satellite from the sun’s rays —
Recommend we send that very stable genius
To the planet named Venus
With a ticket on Space-X that’s only one way.

Ken Paxton is attorney general of Texas
He’s rude crude corrupt and reckless
Denies women reproductive rights and care
Would ban life-saving abortions everywhere
Appeals to men misogynistic and sexist.

A woman in Texas had the horrible misfortune
Of an unviable pregnancy, needed an abortion
AG Ken Paxton said no to physician
State Supremes confirmed his position —
Reproductive healthcare denied is a legal distortion.

Republicans in Congress are obsessed with Hunter, Son of Biden
Hoping his crimes to Dad’s impeachment will be tied in
Though they make many attacks
GOP Reps are short on facts
Makes you wonder what actual crimes they themselves are hidin’

Trump admires autocrats and dictators
Insurrectionists, criminals, and traitors
If he does get re-elected
The worst can be expected:
He’ll be the hero of bigots, thugs, and haters.

A criminal lawyer named Rudy
Once America’s mayor
Lost his hair
And all sense of honesty and duty
On election lies doubles down
Can’t stop blaming defaming
And acting like a clown
Finally met his match in court
By judge and jury cut short
In favor of Shaye Moss and Ruby:
Two women brave, strong, and free.

It’s Christmastime and many of us gather in buildings with a proud high steeple
To honor in a humble lowly stable a new-born baby innocent and feeble
Angels above cry out to shepherds “Do not fear!”
And to each of us below now and here —
So together let’s resolve in this New Year
To work harder toward Peace, Goodwill, and Love for all Earth’s people.

[Extended New Year’s Eve Limerick]
As we approach the end (and start) of another year /
We ponder the news that’s filled with hate and fear /
Let’s now take time to reflect on what we can expect /
If we look for better days ahead and plan to connect /
With those in pain who need our love and care, respect /
Resolving to hold close, hold dear, all people far and near.

The GOP’s candidate is very grumpity
His sewer-like mouth is quite sump-pumpity
His remarks are insane
He enjoys causing pain
And though his brain seems diseased
His supporters are not displeased
They still claim that Trump is just being Trumpity.

Republican Reps say they believe in Law and Order
But won’t even vote to secure the southern border
So no matter what they say
They don’t really care about the US of A
Their House is built of broken bricks without the mortar.

Republicans are unhappy with Travis and Taylor
Hoping their love will soon end in failure
Kelce and Swift both like Biden and democracy
Dislike the grift of Trump and autocracy
Despise a cult in love with Vlad the Impaler.

Sometimes I forget if it’s October or September
Or where my keys are or how that dent got in my fender
Whether old or young
You can make
A slip of the tongue
So give Biden a break
He’s not a crook or a fake
Like that other guy whose name I can’t remember.

[New Extended Limerick]
Hamas and Hezbollah demand that Palestine be Jewless
Attacked by terrorists, Israel’s revenge is ruthless
Bombing innocent Gazans day after day
Even killing hostages who get in the way
Politicians right and left continue to be clueless
While children in the street are starving and shoeless
On and on Arabs and Israelis fight
Both sides say they are in the right
Filling the skies with bombs and lies
Smashing teeth and bashing eyes
Until anyone who survives is both blind and toothless.

Some say the USA is only for the strong and not the feeeble
Others that our Capitol should have on top a cross and steeple
But by our Constitution everyone of every sex race and creed must be included
Recognizing each person’s equal value and opportunity — none can be excluded
So no matter what State you live in
Or what religion or philosophy you believe in
Only a country undivided will continue to stand
There must be liberty for all throughout our land
Which in law and human rights is rooted
As a Democratic Republic of “We the People.”

The world it seems is going to hell in a hand basket
Climate’s getting hotter, weather’s more extreme — you just can’t mask it
Only place on earth I’ve found
Where you’ll be safe and sound
Is six-feet underground
All alone, in your very own
Air-conditioned casket.

Trump’s a grifter cold and bold
Selling sneakers made of fool’s gold
The Art of the Deal
Was such a steal
His Bible now the greatest story ever sold.

Trump’s a super salesman confident and bold
Sells 400 hundred dollar sneakers made of fool’s gold
On his MAGA supporters he’s got quite a hold
They’ll believe whatever they’ve been told
Trump’s Art of the Deal became the Art of the Steal
His latest book is another Testament to himself
For sixty bucks you can have it on your shelf
The USA Bible with parts both New and Old
Is sure to be a hit, you will see,-
It will be: the Greatest Story Ever Sold.

“All rise, the court’s now in session” is the bailiff’s cry
Thus begins the trial of Orange Man in blue suit and red tie
Sitting in front of judge and jury
He shouldn’t fret, shouldn’t worry
For just like O.J. thirty years ago
D.J. has high-priced lawyers in a row
Assuring him he will receive
What an ordinary citizen can’t achieve
Or even conceive that’s fair:
The best U.S. System of Justice (like Healthcare)
That money can buy.

Six of Nine Supremes sitting on the bench
Throw into the Wheels of Justice a monkey wrench
They hear no evil, see no evil, smell no evil
While judgments they make cause social upheaval
Defending Trump’s immunity
Though he acts with impunity
Saying he can’t be prosecuted
Even if rivals by him are executed
Six judges claim that facts just distract
Think murder bribery and treachery can be an official act
Any crime one former President commits they say is OK
So with smoke and mirrors Trump’s trials they delay and hope just go away
The MAGA crowd must be proud as fists and jaws they clench
A foul-smelling cup of injustice their “America Worst”
thirst for power quench
While another SCROTUS decision ill-gotten and rotten
Disgusts us much and adds to the stench.

So Trump wants to return to the White House as its lodger
One of his friends was Nixon’s adviser; his name is Roger
Avoiding VietNam with bone spurs DoJo became an Artful Dodger
At his New York trial his two big blue beautiful eyes keep closing
But Drowsy Don claims he’s just resting and meditating, not dozing
Narcoleptic, apoplectic with a toddler’s petulance and an old man’s flatulence
45 prowls and howls in hallways
Staring and glaring always
Then scowls and growls in court day after day
Struggling to control his temper and his bowels
As a Fartful Codger.

Ex-gov Kristi Noem had a dog; it was still just a puppy
She called it Cricket; a better name would be Unlucky
That dog wouldn’t hunt so she took it to a pit with gravel filled
Shot him in the head; with a goat and two horses had him killed
Kristi thinks puppy-murder shows she has the right stuff
Makes her tough enough to be Trump’s creepy V.P.
With the GOP there’s no reason, no rule it seems
Winners are those who go to most cruel extremes
Even some Republicans agree
Shooting a dog a horse or a goat
Is not the best way to get a vote
Maybe Kristi’s next pet should be a goldfish or a guppy.

[New Extended Limerick]
Ex-gov Kristi Noem had a dog; it was still just a puppy
She called it Cricket; a better name would be Unlucky
That dog wouldn’t hunt so she took it to a pit with gravel filled
Shot him in the head ; with a goat and two horses had him killed
Kristi thinks puppy-murder shows she has the right stuff
Makes her tough enough to be Trump’s creepy V.P.
With the GOP there’s no reason, no rule it seems
Winners are those who go to most cruel extremes
Even some Republicans agree
Shooting a dog a horse or a goat
Is not the best way to get a vote
Maybe Kristi’s next pet should be a goldfish or a guppy.

[Bonus: Sick Adult Nursery Rhyme]
Kristi had a little dog; his fur was white as snow
And everywhere that Kristi went, her pup was sure to go.
He followed her to hunt one day but broke the hunter’s rule
What happened to pup Cricket next was both unusual and cruel.

For Kristi took her little dog to a pit with gravel filled
Whipped out a gun, shot Cricket once, and had him quickly killed
Later that same day a goat two horses to the pit were also led
In each head did Kristi shoot until they all were very dead.

Kristi says she’ll be a leader who can make the toughest choices
To kill or not to kill in spite of wimpy Democratic voices
So let this be a lesson to anyone who crosses Kristi Noem
If she’s V.P. to Donny Trump you’d better not leave home.

[New Extended Limerick]
RFK Junior is a Third Party Candidate
Who thinks its a bad idea to vaccinate
Doctors found a worm inside his head
It ate part of his brain but now its dead
The worm, that is, and not his brain
Unless the worm ate the part that keeps us sane
Which could explain Junior’s puzzling policies
Filled with weird theories of conspiracies
While his claim to fame is the iconic Kennedy name
Junior’s charisma and integrity are not the same
As his uncle Jack’s or father, the senior RFK’s
Character which America needs more than ever today —
Sitting in his sinking vintage boat
RFK Junior keeps trying to hook my vote
With a worm that makes me squirm and palpitate —
But I won’t take the bait.

In a hostage situation what would the police do?
Should they bomb the house and kill every Arab and Jew
Or would they try to minimize the cost
In lives of innocents injured or lost —
Aren’t two million Gazans hostages too?

Trump wants to exterminate Left Wing vermin
Uses the best words of one infamous German
MAGA troopers wear red hats and jack boots
March in goose step, give Seig Heil salutes
Sing lieder to their leader
With AR-15’s and tanks that are Sherman.

[Two New Extended Limericks]
There once was a Justice named Samuel Alito
Who often behaves like a judicial bandito
For MAGA flags flying over his house
Not my fault he says and blames his spouse
Asserts his refusal to calls for recusal
Treats every Dem critic like a pesky mosquito.
It was a bad day in Manhattan for Donald J Trump
Found guilty of 34 felonies all in one clump
Next is his penalty
What could it be?
Service to the community?
A lengthy stay in jail captivity?
But what would D.J.T. say
The sentence, the penance should be
To atone for his many crimes
Against Lady Justice? Just this,
His own male fantasy:
A spanking by Stormy 34 times —
One for each felony —
On his big orange rump.

Trump tells a strange story about a sinking boat
Says I don’t care ’bout you, just need your vote
He’s afraid of being shocked by a battery’s spark
Or bitten in the water by a blood-thirsty shark
Why must we choose? Can’t we have both?

Says Trump “About you I don’t really care
Just give me your vote or don’t if you dare”
Much as the snake in the poem he often reads
Trump will turn on you
No matter what you do
When he gets what he needs
You think he’s your friend
But he’ll bite you in the end
So for heavens sake
Be warned and beware
Don’t be mistaken
and taken in by his grin:
He’s a venomous red-striped snake
With orange skin and very bad blond hair.

Americans want a President with guts who’s not a putz
They want a strong leader and not a jerk or a klutz
Some say Trump’s the one they seek
Cause Biden’s too slow and too weak
But I’ll choose the candidacy
Of one with brains and sanity
Over an autocrat who’s narcissistic and nuts.

Biden and Trump are having a televised debate
To prove who’s the best Presidential candidate
Biden sets his second-term sights
On the economy and protecting human rights
Trump wants to make America great
By replacing tolerance and freedom with revenge and hate
Will our States be United or divided and separate?
Will our country continue to grow or just be third rate?
It’s up to us on Election Day to say yea or nay
Show that we care, fight for what’s fair
And determine Democracy’s fate.

In life and in love you win some, you lose some
But Biden’s debate performance was truly gruesome
While Trump was bold, Biden looked weak and old
What to do now? Who to nominate?
Who could dominate the next debate?
Should it be Bernie Sanders or Gavin Newsome?
Wouldn’t Harris and Buttigieg be an awesome twosome?

SCROTUS rules in favor of the radical far right wing
For a government run by thieves and a criminal ring
If Trump is re-elected
As by the MAGA crowd expected
He will be a President with immunity
Disregarding the Constitution with impunity
And rule the country all alone
from a golden throne as King.

[Poem inspired by a scene from Shakespeare’s Macbeth]

Trump got shot just before his Convention
Then came a cauldron of news,
Almost too much to mention
But (sigh) I’ll try…

Boil, Boil, Toil and Trouble
The world broils in MAGA’s bubble
Ear of Trump, Beard of Vance
Millions of groveling sycophants

Boil, Boil, Toil and Trouble
Madmen with guns are on the prowl
But gun control is not allowed
For “real” Americans strong and proud

Boil, Boil, Toil and Trouble
Biden’s got Covid, Dems disloyal?
DNC has good policies and goals
Yet candidates still down in polls

Boil, Boil, Toil and Trouble
Democrats struggle, all in a muddle
Biden fumbles, mumbles, and stumbles
Must be humble or Democracy crumbles

Boil, Boil, Toil and Trouble
Biden bows out, Dems all huddle
Harris steps in, is Presidential fave
GOP frantic, Trumpers rant and rave

Boil, Boil, Toil and Trouble
The Planet’s melting from burning oil
Can EV’s, wind, and solar energy
Save humanity from climate lethargy?

Boil, Boil, Toil and Trouble
We need solutions on the double
Will we be one country or 50 States separate?
Will we be one people that promotes and votes for
freedom and love over prejudice and hate?
The election in November will determine our fate.

KAMALA (based on the lyrics of Camelot)

Kamala! Oh, Kamala!
The first female President she’ll be
A special White House resident you’ll see
The Harris Administration
In Washington D.C.
A phenomenal sensation it will be
For me, you, and everybody too
With Kamala, Our Kamala.

Oh, Kamala! Oh, Kamala!
She’ll be a knight in shining armor
Will fight for fact’ry workers and the farmer
The dragons that attack will be no match
Enemies of Democracy will quickly be dispatched
And everywhere she goes
Friend and foe each knows
The leader that we chose
Is Kamala, Our Kamala.

Oh, Kamala! Oh, Kamala!
You’ll always fight for what is right now
You’ll lead us from darkness to the light now
Away from conspiracy lies and to the truth
Working for the elderly, middle aged, and youth
Not an eye for an eye or tooth for a tooth
But love and care for people everywhere
That’s Kamala, Our Kamala.

Oh, Kamala! Oh, Kamala!
No doubt she’ll be a towering POTUS
Just like her name the flowering Lotus
Transcending depths of gloom and adversity
Ascending from mud to bloom above in purity
She’ll take us to the top
No need to ever stop
And when she goes to Paris
They’ll greet Madame President Harris
By saying Ooh-la-la…
To Kamala, Our Kamala.

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