It’s time to return to pre-Reagan years and ban stock buybacks. Fmr. Republican Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan said he is voting for Biden and not Trump, a criminal. Millennial Progressive Dem. Molly Cook won.
Molly Cook won!
Podcasts (Video — Audio)
Politics Done Right Live weekdays @ 6:00 AM Central
Live Calls: (713)526–5738
- Progressive Dem Molly Cook, newly elected TX SD15 State Senator, details her win & mission for Texas: Newly elected Progressive Democratic Texas Senate District 15 State Senator Molly Cook details her winning strategy. More importantly, she speaks about the mission to represent her district and Texans. [More]
- Fmr Georgia Republican Lt Governor: He’s voting for a decent man, Biden, not the criminal, Trump: Former Georgia Republican Lieutenant Governor Geoff Duncan wrote an op-ed in support of Biden, a decent man, as opposed to Donald Trump, a criminal. [More]
- Ban Stock Buybacks to Curb Inequality and Save Lives: Every dollar spent lining the pockets of CEOs and investors is a dollar less to upgrade equipment and protect workers and the public. [More]
Podcasts: Politics Done Right | Egberto Off The Record
Live Video: Youtube Live | Facebook Live | Twitter | Twitch

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