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Norman Solomon discusses the immorality of Israel & U.S. complicity in the Israel-Hamas war.

Norman Solomon discusses the immorality of Israel & U.S. complicity in the Israel-Hamas war.

Journalist and activist Norman Solomon visited us to detail the lack of morality displayed by Israel and America’s complicity in what can only be described as a genocide occurring in Gaza.

Norman Solomon discusses the Israel-Hamas war.

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In a thought-provoking edition of “Politics Done Right,” Norman Solomon, an esteemed American journalist, activist, and co-founder of, delved into the intricate and morally complex issue of the Israel-Hamas war. With his background as an author of “War Made Easy” and a longstanding associate of the Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR), Solomon brought a nuanced perspective, particularly influenced by his Jewish upbringing and profound understanding of the Holocaust.

Central to Solomon’s discourse was the challenge of discussing the Israel-Hamas conflict, particularly for those who are not Jewish, without crossing into anti-Semitism. He emphasized the need for a single standard of human rights, criticizing the media for often obscuring the humanity of certain groups, especially Palestinians. This lack of balanced representation in media narratives contributes to a skewed understanding of the conflict, where the suffering and rights of Palestinians are frequently overlooked or diminished.

Solomon’s critique was not limited to media portrayal but extended to the actions of the U.S. and Israeli governments. He boldly labeled both Hamas and the Israeli government as terrorist organizations, citing their actions that align with terrorism, most notably the killing of civilians. This stance highlights the complex nature of the conflict, where actions on both sides have resulted in significant civilian casualties and suffering.

The conversation further explored the role of the U.S. media and government in shaping the war’s narrative. Solomon pointed out the biased portrayal that often frames the conflict as a response to Hamas’ actions alone, thereby absolving the Israeli government of its role in the violence. This selective narrative has significant implications, affecting public opinion and policy decisions.

Concluding his discussion, Solomon called for support of progressive media and activism. He stressed the importance of nonviolent confrontation and political action to hold U.S. politicians accountable for their support of Israeli government policies. This advocacy for a universal standard of human rights reflects a deep commitment to humanism and the pursuit of equitable and just resolutions in global conflicts.

Norman Solomon’s conversation on “Politics Done Right” underscores the complexity of the Israel-Hamas conflict and highlights the critical role of media and government narratives in shaping public understanding and policy. His call for consistent human rights standards and progressive activism offers a pathway for a more balanced and humane discourse on this deeply contentious issue.

Please watch/listen to the entire included interview for a full context. It is well worth it and may change or enhance your opinion and posture on this prescient issue.

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