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These Democrats are not ceding rural Texas to the Republicans — grassroots in action.

These Democrats are not ceding rural Texas to the Republicans. This is the grassroots in action.

Building a governing Democratic and Progressive base must include Rural America. These Democrats get it, and they are engaging their own community. This is their story.

Cleveland crew rekindles the fire of Democrats in Liberty county.

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From being stuck in the mud and muddle of South Liberty County politics, as usual, a small group of devoted Democrats in Cleveland teamed together to take action as they had consistently over the past several elections. First, in 2022, responding to outreach from Democrat Jon Haire a candidate for U. S. Congress District 36, this Cleveland Crew welcomed and enthusiastically supported his candidacy. Then the Cleveland Crew hosted a multi-candidate rally for two Congressional Districts, Haire in 36 and Laura Jones in CD 6, judicial candidates, local and regional Democratic Party leaders, and Beto’s block-walking campaign leaders. 

This Cleveland Crew did not shrink or shirk. 

They were RESPONSE ABLE, ready, and said, “Bring it on.” They insisted the Liberty County Democratic Chair take care of business and formally appoint or re-appoint Voting Precinct Chairs. Next, the County Chair provides specific marching orders. Alternatively, the Cleveland Crew would march on their own. 

Marching orders were provided. Under the strategic guidance of Sharron Berry, Senate District 3 Committeewoman for a 16 county district of SE Texas, tactical support from John Michael Adams, San Jacinto County Democratic Party Chair, and Aleta Garcia, Beto Block Walking Campaign Coordinator. The Cleveland Crew coalesced into a well-oiled machine. Often, the orders weren’t given, or the oil applied until the last minute, but the wheels stayed on. The squeakiest still getting rapid attention. Such is a RESPONSE ABLE TEAM and leadership by following. This homegrown organic structure is fully RESPONSE ABLE and ready for these last days of the remaining and challenging Get Out the Vote (GOTV) campaign of 2022.

Like an unfolding dramatic movie script, the 2022 Cleveland Crew came together behind Jon Haire, creating or participating in nearly a dozen events in Liberty County, from meetups to rallies centered at Sam Wiley Park in Precinct 20. Our goal to “Turn Liberty County Blue in 2022” was Quixotic, at best, but the Cleveland Crew made Blue in ‘22 our very real rallying cry and action plan for 2023.

In conclusion, it is important to understand this was kicked off via the candidacy of Jon Haire, running for Congressional District 36, intersecting with the almost fully formed Cleveland Crew. Haire is started as a deep underdog against incumbent Brian Babin, a small-town dentist deeply entrenched in Trumpian values and worse. With Jon’s personal investment in his Campaign for Congress, has also performed CPR on the Liberty County Democratic Party. Otherwise, the Party would have remained dormant and in a death spiral as it has since the first Obama election. When all the once good Democrats suddenly became good Republicans. All the while saying, “Of course, IT’S NOT ABOUT RACE, IT’S ABOUT ….”

Finally, a spark can start a flame. With proper kindling, a flame can start a fire. Without the spiritual, political, and leadership of the people and families in Precinct 20, particularly around Sam Wiley Park, this fire would have burned out as usual after Election Day. This fire will burn on. The Cleveland Crew will turn Liberty County Blue. SE Texas will follow. Texas will follow. On the horizon, a new dawn is breaking, good Republicans will switch en masse and become good Democrats. Of course, it won’t be about race. It will be about getting beyond race for once and, with God’s help, for all time.


(C) Ron. W. Blake 2022

Liberty, Texas, USA 🇺🇸 

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