Rob Kall is sure that we can fix our politics. It will require a bottom-up approach immediately. And his media site is instrumental.
Publisher Rob Kall is doing his part.
Rob Kall is the founder and publisher of OpEdNews.com. He is also the author of The Bottom-up Revolution: Mastering the Emerging World of Connectivity.
Rob said that his mission with OpEdNews is to help people who are activists. He points out that every month hundreds of people write articles on his site, and at times, his website reaches 800,000 views per month.
Kall wants activists to submit articles on subjects they are working on to his platform. He said that some issues of interest have more than a thousand articles. Rob told writers and activists to sign up and post. He said his site would give quite a bit of exposure.
Rob is a Democrat and a Progressive. He is not afraid to tell a few inconvenient truths; He points out that the Democratic Party has some rifts they must take care of now.
Kall points out that it is not enough to elect Democrats. It is essential to work as a collective in the political arena. Listen to the entire interview. Itis is well worth your time.