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Be The One’s Cate Mayer on how to get more civic participation on the local level.

Cate Mayer Be The One's Cate Mayer on how to get more civic participation on the local level.

Cate Mayer

Cate Mayer discusses her organization Be The Ones’ goal of driving more participation in local government elections.

Cate Mayer on local participation in government

Watch Politics Done Right T.V. here.

As CEO & Founder of Friends Vote Together, a grassroots organization dedicated to increasing voter turnout and civic involvement, Mayer relies on the skills and talents she honed in the nonprofit and corporate sectors to look at elections, campaigns, and social causes from a strategic and operational perspective: “Which actions do we take so that campaigns can win? How do we donate to grassroots organizations and campaigns, so our dollars have maximum impact? How can our actions and involvement foster longer-term strategic planning and engagement? And most importantly, how can we effectively communicate to others why all of this is so important in building trust and community alignment?”

Mayer launched Friends Vote Together because she knew there was an opportunity to rally people to become more informed and educated voters and citizens. Increasing voter turnout and helping others understand the impact of becoming more sustainable and long-term activists, and taking action to get out to the vote are my passions — and taking this leap to make those goals happen is my life’s work.

Mayer’s organization, Be The Ones, is promoting VOTE LOCAL DAY on October 8th, 2022. Cate’s group has the following message of encouragement to the voters.

Overwhelmed by the state of our country and feel like most days can’t do anything about it?

You might have heard November elections are quickly approaching, 99% of what’s on the ballot are local & state races, and maybe you‘re thinking your vote doesn’t really matter.

You are not alone.
(we’ve been there too)

Here’s the good news. There are local leaders making real progress on real issues in our communities, and they want to help you feel a little less overwhelmed and a little more prepared to use your power at the polls.

Will you join us on Saturday, October 8th?

Please listen to the entire interview. It is well worth it.

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