Our PDR Posse member, Thomas Czarnik submitted a new poem for our enjoyment. Can you figure out the analogy? It is powerful.
In This Land of Snakes by Thomas Czarnik (05/29/2022)

In this Land of Snakes Everyone needs one (Or so we were told) To protect property To save life To keep the peace. Just a small serpent at first With a tiny rattle And a little venom More to sting than to kill But then one day Small was not enough (Or so we were told) And everyone had to have one: A bigger snake With a larger rattle A longer tail And even stronger venom To carry on our belts To protect property To save life To keep the peace. Until someone then decided Whether out of fear or pride (We were never told) That big was not big enough And that everyone had to have one: The biggest snake With the largest rattle And the longest tail The strongest venom And fangs dripping with blood And though many of us were bitten Young and old, friends and enemies alike Our deaths are necessary (Or so we are told) To protect property To save life To keep the peace In this Land of Snakes The United Snakes of America.