I do not believe in political gotchas. Incumbent Judge Jason Luong appeared on Politics Done Right. I asked him about a recent story about him. He could not discuss it specifically because of judicial rules but enough was said to infer much.
Incumbent Judge Jason Luong
I called several judges and others about Judge Jason Luong before I interviewed him. I read the Click2Houston article. I do not know Judge Jason Luong’s heart. What I do know is that the statements that he made even stated verbatim are subject to context. I think it is dangerous if one’s personal statements is used to harm someone personally or for political purposes.
Again, I do not know the judge. But we will fail to exist as a society if we are unable to speak for fear of misspeaking or being taken out of context. Listen to the interview, read the article, and make up your own mind. I know one thing, for any particular job, one should be judged by their work product and experience. Utterances are too subject to context and politics.
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