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Thomas Czarnik, PDR Posse member’s most prescient poem ‘Vanilla Island’ at the right time

Thomas Czarnik

Our PDR Posse member, Thomas Czarnik said that he lives in a very homogeneously white community that inspired the poem ‘Vanilla Island.’

Vanilla Island by Thomas Czarnik

See full episodes here.

VANILLA ISLAND by Thomas Czarnik 12/15/2021

Here on Vanilla Island
Breezes blow soft and light
Palm trees sway
And everywhere we go
There’s a golden sun by day
And an ivory moon at night.

Here on Vanilla Island
We natives too are gold ‘n pale
Our favorite time is noon
No shadows on the ground
No dark cloud near
To make us fear
An unfamiliar sight or sound.

Here on Vanilla Island
We savor one flavor
No chocolate, banana, strawberry
Or in-between
Is ever tasted, ever seen
Except what comes
From the vanilla bean.

Here on Vanilla Island
We are most blessed
Of all the islands east or west
With riches we are sated and gated
Thank God daily
Sip vanilla milk and play the ukulele.

Here on Vanilla Island
We’re all the same
We’re not to blame
For those on other islands
Who differ, suffer, die —
A fig leaf hides our shame.

Here on Vanilla Island
We set our arms on fire
And with our fiery arms display
A fearsome dance
That keeps all ember souls away.

Here on Vanilla Island
Beaches are pure and white
And everywhere we roam
The Truth shines clear and bright
For we Vanillans safe and free
Feel right at home, in lonely huts
On our oasis in the sea. tjc

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