LIVE on KPFT 90.1 FM: if you have a racist family member Allison Gaines has some advice. GOP politicians strike their party.
Allison Gaines has a message.
- CNBC’s Steve Liesman explains the jobs report and it is better than it appears: Thank you, Steve Liesman for not allowing the mainstream media to misinterpret the jobs report. It is better than the spin.
- ABOUT TIME: News Panel laments their coverage: Series of knuckleheads the president weaponizes: Chuck Todd and Andrea Mitchell appeared on a Katy Tur panel lamenting their coverage of Trump and pleading ignorance.
- HOME RUN! Joe Biden neuters Republican attack on his economy by turning the table on them: President Joe Biden did what he needed to do to promote his successful economy as he slapped down Republicans’ intransigence.
- A Visibly EXASPERATED Chuck Todd grills Republican congressman who became a real Trump sycophant: Chuck Todd was visibly exasperated as a sycophantic member of Congress said he would support Trump if he ran for president again.
- The Three phases of Ted Cruz: From Trump attacker to endorser to embarrassing apologizer: Ari Melber has had it with Ted Cruz. Clips from the expose prove Trump and his sycophants are complicit. They should be punished.
- Liz Cheney scorches her GOP on CNN: My party is not embracing truth, substance, and seriousness: Liz Cheney is proving to be a very tough woman more so than anyone of either party as she does not let up on Republican lies.
- Congressman scorches his GOP Truth crisis! Permeated with leaders who fear a man that is insane!: Congressman Adam Kinzinger did not mince. He made it clear his GOP Party has failed. They are following an insane man.
- Allison Gaines on Step by Step Guide to Ditching Your Racist Relatives and Friends: Writer and #WEOC founder Allison Gaines discusses her article about the steps towards disengaging with relatives and friends.
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