Author, retired veterinarian, & education activist Victoria Young discusses the new American anti-intellectualism among other issues.
Victoria Young speaks
Dr. Young wrote the article titled “Anti-intellectualism in Today’s America!“ that immediately sucked me in. Deep into her article, I caught the following snippet.
“We don’t educate people anymore. We train them to get jobs,” said Professor Catherine Liu in discussing the changing mission of universities.
And that said it all. We are creating robots with no ability of critical thinking. The bastions of our economy want the obedient subject that is there to serve with their labor and controlled intellect.
If you ever wonder why the fear of Critical Race Theory (CRT), the necessary anti-intellectual modus operandi is the way we can keep an unfair system from collapsing. To be clear, K-12 does not teach CRT. But there is a slippery slope for those in power that Americans will learn about the true nature of our checkered past from our inception. The masses would demand mitigation for past injustices.
Victoria Young is an involved, informed, and active parent of the No Child Left Behind era. Victoria said that she witnessed one of the biggest farces in public education EVER! Victoria saw with my own eyes the damage her schools suffered at the hands of standardization and privatization. But today she discusses an issue that while superficially not connected to her passion actually is, anti-intellectualism.