Cedric Dark is an ER doctor at the Medical Center in Houston Texas, writer, and influencer. He discusses the COVID emergency, myths, & solutions.
Dr. Cedric Dark discusses the COVID fiasco
America is going through the unnecessary 4th wave in this COVID pandemic. I wanted to speak to someone on the front lines. Emergency Room Dr. Cedric Dark fit the bill. He works in the Houston Medical Center and is seeing the COVID carnage first hand.
I asked Dr. Dark one of the most important questions. Could we have stopped COVID before it became a pandemic? His answer was clear. We could have done so. He said it was an early mistake that was compounded by governments that obliterated them.
Dr. Dark agrees that this is now mostly a pandemic of the unvaccinated. I asked him to clarify some misinformation that talk show hosts like Grogan were putting out about the vaccinated and the spread of COVID. He was not interested in getting into that sort of a debate. He just wanted to articulate the facts as they are.
I asked the doctor a provocative question. Should we triage unvaccinated COVID patients at the end of the line since they are hindering people in accidents, heart attacks, strokes, etc.? He was adamant. That was not his place. He countered with the valid point that we could then apply that to people who drove drunk among other irresponsible human deeds.
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