Neil Aquino was not going to wait for any organized movement to get involved. He is a citizen who made sure his politicians knew he would not let them rescind our voting rights.
Neil Aquino a Texan that is stepping up.
Neil Aquino recently posted the following on his Facebook wall.
Tomorrow, Monday, 7/26, I’m going to drive from Houston to the State Capitol in Austin. I did this last Monday as well. I want to make clear my view we must show up for ourselves to protect democracy.
The democracy suppression bill and the so-called critical race bill which erases history both up for passage in Austin are intolerable.I’m going to Austin with a sign saying “We Won’t Let Republicans Steal Democracy.” I’ll stand in the rotunda of the Capitol for 90 minutes or so with my sign.
Many states attack democracy. The federal government can’t/won’t act. City police direct military scale operations at large protest for change. The weather is screwy. How is this a viable way to have hope?
There has to be mass-movement that can’t be policed off streets or some other avenue of hope. In the comments is the link for the upcoming march called by Rev. Barber planned for the week ahead. Please attend if you can. Our freedom is up to each of us.
Aquino: A call to action
This was a call to action by a Houstonian, an activist, one of us. I was happy to see that an individual, without the need of some organized group or organization, would organically drive 180+ miles to spend a couple of hours in the Texas Capitol’s rotunda.
We are in dangerous times where our Democracy is at risk. With forward-movement-at-all-cost Republicans methodically destroying our voting rights, I fear Democrats are failing to realize their caution is not on a recipe for a major 2022 defeat but a loss of our democracy.
It is time that we start putting our bodies on the line for our Democracy. Time is running out. Thank you, Neil Aquino. Your actions in Austin and Houston must inspire others to put it all on the line.
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