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Thom Hartmann interviews Egberto Willies on America living up to ‘All people are created equal.’

Thom Hartmann interviews Egberto Willies on America living up to 'All people are created equal.'

I appeared on the Thom Hartmann show to discuss whether America can fulfill the second part of our Democracy, ‘all people created equal.’

Thom Hartmann discussing America, the Constitution, and Created Equal

See full episodes here.

Hartmann stated that America has pretty much lived up to democracy. We are a society governed at least via the vote, by the many as defined in the constitution. But he asked the prescient question. Have we lived up to the other part? Are all people in America treated as if they are created equally as if they are, in fact, just as human as the current majority population?

I pointed out that while we are not there yet, we can and are getting there. But to get there, we have to understand the delay. And that delay is twofold.

One must first realize and believe from their inner core that folks of different hues and characteristics are just as human. Too many in the majority population may get it in an antiseptic form but not from within their hearts. The reality of all being human must first permeate the psyche of all.

The second reason is more carnal and self-preserving. White people may be scared that the ‘others’ may return the favor when they are no longer in the majority. That is an unsubstantiated fear. The dialogue will continue to play a role in change. But we cannot allow those who profit from racism to stunt the dialogue.

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