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Opioid Big Pharma whistleblower Bruce Boise is back for a necessary update.

Opioid Big Pharma whistleblower Bruce Boise is back for a necessary update.

Whistleblower & author of Cold Comfort Bruce Boise paid the price for crossing Big Pharma. In the long run, he did the right thing and came out ahead. He gives us an update.

Bruce Boise, Big Pharma whistleblower returns

See full episodes here.

A few months ago, Bruce Boise visited with us to detail the opioid crisis and the role he played in blowing the whistle on those who infected a large segment of Americans.

It was an all-encompassing interview. Bruce has committed to writing another book on this and many other issues. Please listen to the entire interview,.

Who is Bruce Boise?

Boise worked for nearly 24 years in the pharmaceutical industry, first as a hospital representative, and then as a sales manager in the Great Lakes region. After losing his job as a whistleblower, he spent portions of the next 17 years working with the United States Justice Department on two separate False Claims Act cases against his former employer, Cephalon/Teva, a neuro biotech company.

His story is told in a new book, Cold Comfort: One Man’s Struggle to Stop the Illegal Marketing of Powerful Opioid Drugs and Save LivesHe was featured on CBS-TV’s Whistleblower.

Boise, after exposing how Cephalon was illegally marketing off-label prescription drug usage, waited many years to see justice after wearing a wire, losing his job, becoming homeless, and black-balled by the pharmaceutical industry. At one point, he was flipping burgers for ten bucks an hour just to get by. Cephalon settled the case many years later with the United States for $425 million in fines and damages.

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