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Progressive Activist Sandra Cisneros Peeters on Progressive takeover of the Nevada Democratic Party

Progressive Activist Sandra Cisneros Peeters on Progressive takeover of the Nevada Democratic Party

Progressive activist Sandra Cisneros Peeters talks about the Progressive takeover of the Nevada Democratic Party. It sparked the ‘Mass Exodus’ of Staff, Consultants.

Progressive Activist Sandra Cisneros Peeters

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Progressive activist Sandra Cisneros Peeters appeared on Politics Done Rights came to discuss a recent article in Common Dreams that read,

Shortly after a slate of insurgent progressives endorsed by the Las Vegas Democratic Socialists of America pulled off a clean sweep in Nevada State Democratic Party elections over the weekend, the party’s executive director notified newly elected chair Judith Whitmer that the entire staff, as well as every consultant, was quitting.

The “mass exodus” of party staffers following the progressive takeover of the Nevada Democratic Party leadership, as well as the establishment’s funneling of hundreds of thousands of dollars out of party coffers in anticipation of the results, is detailed in new reporting by The Intercept, which described the election outcome as the culmination of a years-long “battle between the insurgent progressive wing of the party and what’s known in Nevada as the Reid machine—a tightly run operation still guided by former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.”

That fight, The Intercept‘s Akela Lacy and Ryan Grim explain, “began five years ago, when Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders organized support for his 2016 presidential primary run, while Reid was working behind the scenes to help his opponent, Hillary Clinton.”

“Over the next four years, outside organizations like DSA exploded in size and strength,” Lacy and Grim write. “The Sanders campaign focused on organizing tens of thousands of young Latino voters in the state, with the goal of activating people whom the party hadn’t bothered with before. And it worked: In the 2020 cycle, after investing heavily in Nevada, Sanders won a commanding victory in the Nevada caucuses. When the Sanders campaign ended, the organizers behind it were ready to take their project to the next level.”

Progressive activist Sandra Cisneros Peeters was part of the movement that accomplished this.

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