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Natalia Cornelio, from activist grassroots lawyer to judge on the bench

Natalia Cornelio, from activist grassroots lawyer to judge on the bench

With a new title, an activist grassroots lawyer is now Judge Natalia Cornelio. The community rewarded a very hardworking community member.

Natalia Cornelio speaks

See full episodes here.

From the very first time I spoke to Natalia Cornelio at KPFT 90.1 FM Houston, I knew she was special. She was a lawyer with a passion for community and the law. After our first interview, it was clear it was not just a facade.

Harris County figured it out as well. They voted this competent lawyer as the judge of Harris County 351st District Court.

Who is Natalia Cornelio?

Judge Cornelio is a proud, bilingual, and Mexican-American attorney with over 13 years of legal experience. While growing up, her parents and many others fought for immigrant workers’ rights, educational opportunities and to help local leaders get elected so that the people would be represented by politicians who had shared experiences with the community. Her parents taught her the value of hard work and the importance of fighting for the right to be recognized and treated with dignity and respect. Cornelio became a lawyer to make a difference and ensure that all communities have equal access to and protect our laws.

Listen to the entire interview. It is well worth it. Visit her website.

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