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Steve Melink, a Conservative supporter of Green Energy, all should listen to now.

Steve Melink, Conservative supporter of Green Energy all should listen to now

Steve Melink, a Conservative supporter of Green Energy, all should listen to now. He is the author of the book Fusion Capitalism: A Clean Energy Vision For Conservatives.

Steve Melink speaks

See full episodes here.

Steve Melink ( is the ForbesBooks author of Fusion Capitalism: A Clean Energy Vision For Conservatives, founder/CEO of Melink Corporation, a Cincinnati, Ohio-based company considered a pioneer in renewable energy solutions for the commercial building industry. Melink’s company has worked with retail, restaurants, hotel chains, hospitals, nursing homes, universities, and supermarkets.

Melink is a national speaker on sustainability, clean energy, and zero-energy buildings, and he has consulted with federal and state legislators. He earned a BS in mechanical engineering from Vanderbilt University and an MBA from Duke University.

After reading one particular paragraph of Steve Melink’s book Fusion Capitalism: A Clean Energy Vision For Conservatives, I knew I wanted to talk to him.

Having said this, I have to admit it’s confusing and even frustrating that the conservative brand. that I grew up and identified with for most of my life is dismissing much of the damage that coal, oil, and natural gas are doing to our health and environment — and missing out on the clean energy economy of the future. Why? I often wonder. Conservatives never fled aviation, space exploration, medical advances, computers, or the internet age. The power of innovation and free markets has always been a core pillar of conservative politics. So why have the clean energy movement and all its benefits and promise become partisan issues and often resisted tooth and nail by the American right? Did it start when Al Gore released his climate change documentary, An inconvenient Truth, in 2006 and then become doctrine when Barack Obama supported clean energy during his presidency?

Watch the entire interview. It is worth your time.

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