Solid discourse with Conservative oilman Greg Kozera on jobs & fossil fuels. He says bringing jobs home is the beginning of reducing our carbon footprint.
Greg Kozera speaks
Greg Kozera ( is the marketing director for Shale Crescent USA, a regional non-profit research and economic development organization. He is a professional engineer and an environmentalist with more than 35 years of experience in the natural gas and oil industry. Kozera is the author of the books Just the Fracks Ma’am and Learned Leadership. A boys high school soccer coach whose teams have won 16 regional and five state championships understand the importance of teamwork and leadership.
We discussed the following.
- What are some of the high-paying jobs that more U.S. manufacturing would bring?
- What makes The Shale Crescent USA Region (Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia) in particular desirable for manufacturing?
- Given the changing business climate in the world due to the pandemic, what are the possibilities that more companies may decide to manufacture in the U.S.?
- With our country so divided, how can politicians from each side of the aisle compromise and promote ways to make U.S. manufacturing a driving force again for our economy?
- Is the U.S. vulnerable to being dependent again on foreign oil? If so, how would that affect manufacturing potential in the states?
- With numerous big brands transitioning to renewable energy, how will their operating costs compare with companies still burning fossil fuels?
Watch the entire interview. It is worth your time.
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