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Mythili Ramakrishna discusses the insurrection & her new podcast Synaptic Explorer

Dr. Mythili Ramakrishna discusses an immigrant’s impression of the insurrection on the Capitol. She also introduces her new podcast Synaptic Explorer.

Mythili Ramakrishna introduces Synaptic Explorer

Watch the full episode here.

Dr. Ramakrishna was not surprised by the unpatriotic seditious insurrection. It saddened her as an immigrant. But she had a statement that every American should absorb.

Mythili said that after the insurrection, a colleague asked her if she wanted to become an American citizen still. Without hesitation, she said, of course. You see, America still provides the opportunity to speak and protest, unlike many restrictions in her motherland.

America, that freedom that the Dr. has grown accustomed to, is what too many born Americans take for granted. Our Democracy is at stake, and we must allow no one or no faction to erode it.

Dr. Ramakrishna introduced her new podcast on our program, Synaptic Explorer (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube). She describes her podcast as follows.

A podcast which includes friends from my network doing some really interesting and inspiring things – what will happen if I bring all my friends together on the same platform. MAGIC, I would like to think. I am capturing that magical moment when I talk to the inspiring people on my network and bringing it to an audience of freethinkers and forward thinkers.

Synaptic Explorer

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