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Tim Ward discusses a plan to put the truth into politics

Tim Ward

Tim Ward, author/journalist and a board member of, discusses putting the truth back into our politics.

Tim Ward on delivering the truth

See full episodes here.

Ward displays the ability to break down the concepts in a manner that all will understand. He explains why lies that politicians tell work. More importantly, he advises on how we can modify the culture to resist the otherwise palatable lies.

Ward is serious about accountability. In fact, he is a part of a movement where one can take a truth telling pledge. It is a pledge I took at its inception. I did not even know Ward was a party to the site/

Who is Tim Ward

Tim Ward is co-owner of Intermedia Communications Training, Inc. Based in the Washington D.C. area, he works with global organizations helping them communicate better.

Tim is a former print journalist and the author of ten books, including the latest one, ‘Pro-Truth: A Practical Plan for Putting Truth Back into Politics, which he has co-authored with Dr. Gleb Tsipursky, a cognitive neuroscientist. He discusses various aspects of his book with us.

Ward is also a board member of He is the publisher of Changemakers Books. He lives in Bethesda, Maryland, with his wife and business partner, Teresa.

Listen to the entire interview. You will leave enlightened.

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