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Paul Fleming, an MS sufferer, supporter of the Affordable Care Act and Medicare for All

Paul Fleming, an MS sufferer, supporter of the Affordable Care Act and Medicare for All

Paul Fleming learned first hand why Americans could not afford to lose the Affordable Care Act. In fact, Medicare for All is the ultimate solution.

Paul Fleming speaks about his healthcare ordeal

See full episodes here.

Paul Fleming is a supporter of Politics Done Right who chats often during our live program. He started chatting about his healthcare experience. It is one that likely affects millions of Americans every year.

After scanning the thread, I contacted Paul and asked him to share his story with our audience. He did not hesitate. He understood that his story would make a difference in the enlightenment we are all responsible for, the type of change we need in our healthcare in America.

Paul paid a heavy financial price because he got sick. His employer insurance insured his family but not him as he had a preexisting condition. Those people who continue to allow Donald Trump and his enablers to snow them into supporting their policies or support an ACA attacking Supreme Court judge like Amy Coney Barrett, do it at their peril.

Fleming expanded his story to reveal much that many people are encountering in America. We are at a time of incredible flux. As more Americans tell their stories, our shared humanity will bring more of us together than apart.

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