Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died today at the age of 87. We will miss her at Politics Done Right and express our most since condolences to Justice RBG’s family. We will miss her.
Managing Director of Abortion Access Front Kat Green discusses the implications of RBG’s death. Many in America are shocked and scared today.
AAF Kat Green explains
Ms. Kat Green was clearly in pain doing the interview. It was like someone had pulled the rug out from under Progressives, hoping the Notorious RBG would hold on.
It has been clear for some time that Justice Ginsburg was holding on for the next president. Bit, it seems she could no more. One wonders if the movement should have been more prepared as opposed to hoping she could hold on. It’s the central question, Kat Green contemplates.
“Everybody that I know is stunned and scared,” Kat Green said. “We’ve all been fearing this moment, and I think one of the scariest things is that it doesn’t feel like people have a real plan for what happens next.”
Unfortunately, that was likely the first thought of many. As Ms. Green said, there is much work to be done.
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