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Pharma whistleblower tells story, NYTimes Columnist freakout, School reopening, Shealey report

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Bruce Boise, big Pharma whistleblower spill the beans. Trump admin to open schools with coercion. Michelle Goldberg freaks out and the Shealey Report.

Bruce Boise paid the price for being a big Pharma whistleblower.

But in the long run, he did the right thing and came out ahead. He tells his whistleblower story in his new book “Cold Comfort.” It is clear that even as he survived the onslaught from Big Pharma, the path was very difficult.

New York Times Michelle Goldberg had a deserved freak-out in Chris Hayes recently. She points out the ineptitude of Donald Trump.

Trump is using coercion to force states to completely open schools. Tamara Shealey discusses Georgia politics and the impact nationally.

This whistleblower presents the path to doing it right.

We need Medicare for All

I want your stories. Have you had issues with your healthcare coverage? Have you had billing issues? Did you feel like your insurance company was trying to pull one over on you? I am interested in every story you have with regards to healthcare. Drop me a line at info[@] Let’s make Medicare For All a reality.

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Most Independent Progressive outlets continue to struggle to raise the funds they need to operate much like the smaller outlets like Politics Done Right

Blog of the Week

‘They Are Failing’: Nationwide Day of Action to Target GOP Senators for Going on Vacation as Pandemic Surges

“Millions of workers—essential and unemployed—do not have the luxury of a vacation and our elected officials are not entitled to take one during this crisis.”

A coalition of dozens of progressive advocacy groups and labor unions is planning a nationwide day of action in battleground states Wednesday targeting Republican senators for going on a two-week vacation as Covid-19 infections surge and millions of people teeter on the brink of financial ruin.


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