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Lisa Conyers discusses Welfare for the Rich – Politicization of COVID-19

Lisa Conyers discusses Welfare for the Rich – Politicization of COVID-19

Call: (646) 716-5812 – “Facebook LIVE” – Live stream: BlogTalkRadio (Entire USA) Radio Show Date: June 23rd, 2020
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Lisa Conyers discusses Welfare for the Rich in a manner all can understand. Her new book gives examples that will shock most. The politicization of COVID-19 is hurting us.

Lisa Conyers is on a necessary mission. 

I interviewed Lisa Conyers to discuss what she found out about the rich which she documented very well in her book Welfare for the Rich. We go into healthy discussions on many economic issues including some dealing with welfare for the really needy.

We also discuss many other important issues.

Lisa Conyers knows the subject well

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Blog of the Week

Trump Doubles Down on Claim He Ordered Slowdown in Covid-19 Tests Just as Fauci Testifies: “It’s the Opposite. We’re Gonna Be Doing More”

“To my knowledge, none of us have ever been told to slow down on testing,” Dr. Anthony Fauci said

Trump Doubles Down on Claim He Ordered Slowdown in Covid-19 Tests Just as Fauci Testifies: “It’s the Opposite. We’re Gonna Be Doing More”
“To my knowledge, none of us have ever been told to slow down on testing,” Dr. Anthony Fauci said.

Fauci’s testimony appeared to contradict Trump’s declaration during a campaign rally in Oklahoma Saturday that he ordered members of his administration to “slow the testing down.”

The president did not specify to whom he gave the order, saying only that he told “my people.”

Speaking to reporters Tuesday morning, Trump said he was not joking about giving the instructions—exploding a narrative that White House officials pushed in the wake of the president’s weekend remarks. White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said during a press briefing Monday that the president’s comments were made “in jest.”

“I don’t kid,” Trump said Tuesday. “By having more tests, we find more cases.”

In a sharp break from the White House’s rosy depiction of the fight against Covid-19, Fauci warned in his testimony that the U.S. is currently in the midst of a “disturbing surge” in coronavirus infections as states continue the process of reopening their economies.

The Financial Times reported Monday that the U.S. is experiencing “a sharp uptick” in Covid-19 cases “as outbreaks in southern and western states have pushed the daily number of infections over 25,000 again after dipping below 20,000 at the beginning of June.”

“We are still in the middle of the first wave,” Fauci said. “The next couple of weeks are going to be critical in our ability to address those surges we are seeing in Florida, Texas, Arizona, and other states.”


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