David Cobb talks about America at a tipping point. He gave the impression that he believes the salvation of the country is through the Progressives that are infiltrating the Democratic Party.
David Cobb on America tipping
David visited with Politics Done Right today. He made it clear that America is at a tipping point. COVID-19 has accelerated a move that will either be tipping into fascism or appropriately an environmental proper Democratic Socialist state where finally humanity supersedes capital.
Cobb believes the ascension of The Squad, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, and Ayanna Presley, has been an injection in the Democratic Party that will ultimately be the change agent if one is to come.
During the times we spent as part of Move to Amend’s Executive Committee we often discussed the corporate encroachment and its ever-growing extractive nature. During a time when one would hope that the corporate sector would attempt to show some humanity if only for visuals, they have become even more draconian as they mandate the laws governing the necessary stimulus bills. As David said, we are at a tipping point. Activists better get the masses activated sooner than later.
Who is David Cobb?
David Keith Cobb is an American attorney, social change agent, and non-violent revolutionary who was the Green Party presidential nominee in the 2004 election. Cobb is also the co-founder of Move to Amend and also served as the campaign manager for the Jill Stein/Ajamu Baraka Green Party presidential run in 2016. He currently works as an organizer for Cooperation Humboldt, helping to build a local solidarity economy.
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