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Analysis of SNL skit Corporate Nightmare shows the preying on employees

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When an SNL skit mimics a reality that ultimately shows how corporations use human nature against itself it bears examining.

Saturday night live’s ‘Corporate Nightmare’ SNL skit was a well designed 3 minutes that one should understand.

I love Saturday Night Live during the election period. They seem to get the best insightful writing during elections. A real fast-paced youthful SNL skit, ‘Corporate Nightmare’, about working for the corporate structure had so many messages, that explains its self-sustaining selective nature that preys on human flaws.

Most activists, community organizers, and corporate employees will immediately get it even if they do not share the belief that our current corporate structure hurts most. What one will immediately agree on is that there is a self-sustaining nature and most of the parts on the “person” level were immediately evident.

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‘Incredibly Bleak’ Poll Shows How Trump Can Lose Popular Vote (Again) But Still Win Reelection

President Donald Trump in 2020 could once again lose the popular vote but eke out a victory in the Electoral College, a Monday poll from The New York Times found, a warning sign to the field of Democrats vying to defeat the incumbent at the ballot box.

“This is incredibly bleak,” tweeted New York Times opinion columnist Jamelle Bouie.

“Trump could lose the popular vote by something like seven or eight percent—something like 10 million votes in 2016 numbers—and still eke out an electoral college victory,” Bouie added.

The Times/Siena College poll found that Trump’s advantage in the Electoral College “remains intact or has even grown since 2016, raising the possibility that the Republicans could—for the third time in the past six elections—win the presidency while losing the popular vote.” The poll focused on Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Florida, Arizona, and North Carolina, six states Trump won in 2016 to deliver him the presidency even as he lost the popular vote to Democrat Hillary Clinton.

Monday’s poll also showed the president in a statistical dead heat in the six swing states with Democratic frontrunners former Vice President Joe Biden and Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.). 


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