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Impeachment, Death Penalty, Green New Deal, Community Building, NN19 Interviews.

Call: (646) 716-5812 – “Facebook LIVE” – Live stream: BlogTalkRadio (Entire USA) Radio Show Date: September 6th, 2019

Here’re our Netroots Nation 2019 Interviews. We met politicians and activists making a difference: Impeachment, Death Penalty, Community Building, Green New Deal.

You can also find previous episodes on YouTube here

Interviews: Impeachment is still on the minds of many but …

These activists and politicians are not one dimensional. The interviews are probative. They covered many topics of interest. There was never a dull moment. It is clear that Progressives are making the leap they’ve needed to make. They are no longer taking orders hierarchically. They know there is a job to do and they intend on doing it sooner rather than later. They do not intend to have anyone, stop forward movement.

Independent Progressive media need support from Progressives

Free Speech TV, Pacifica Network, and most Independent Progressive outlets are way behind in raising the funds they need to operate much like the smaller outlets like Politics Done Right. We will discuss why and solutions. That said, please support our GoFundMe here.


DailyKos: Trump’s border wall to go right through a Texas resort and golf club populated by Trump supporters

Another week, another group of Trump voters who supported him because he was going to hurt other people and are now sad to learn that they too will take a hit. This time around, it’s not farmers hit by a trade war or people shocked to learn that their good-guy immigrant loved ones are also going to be deported; it’s senior citizens living at the River Bend Resort and Golf Club in Brownsville, Texas, who are facing the prospect of Trump’s border wall being built right through the middle of their community.

Fifteen holes of the golf course and 200 homes could be on the far side of the border wall, and residents worry that the key code-operated sliding gates in existing border barriers often malfunction. “You’re fixing to fence 400 U.S. citizens behind a wall with a gate and most of them have medical problems,” one man told The New York Times, saying that ambulances are needed at the complex at least three times a week. “Our gate fails, somebody’s going to die.”

Oh, so now fencing people up and denying them medical care is a big problem.

Resident Susan Kaper said both that “If there’s a good purpose for having that wall cut right through our little community, I guess I would go along with it. But I’ve yet to hear any reason why to do that,” and that it would be “silly” to base her 2020 vote on the wall. No, really. Donald Trump declared a national emergency and took money from a power substation in Puerto Rico and multiple schools on military bases to get this thing built, and it’s going to go through the middle of her retirement resort, leaving hundreds of people outside the wall, but it would be silly to consider a little thing like that when voting.

Another man said, “None of us at our age need the additional stress,” but that doesn’t mean he won’t vote for Trump again in 2020.

According to The New York Times, these are real actual people saying this nonsense. We can argue about how much sympathy to have for any given Trump supporter victimized by Trump’s policies, but hopefully we can all agree that people in a cozy retirement resort and golf club who figure they’ll still vote for him even after he fences them out of their country are low on the list?

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